The end is in sight

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(Y/n): POV.

Shinobu: What are we going to master?

Shinobu and (Y/n) were in Mantel, that was going through a Grimm invasion. After some helping out, the Grimm invasion was dying down.

(Y/n): We're going to Vale. It's the endgame now, so it's time to hurry things up.

Shinobu: What about the people?

(Y/n): There's barely any grimm left, the solder's and bots should be able to help the remaining people. If not then what's the point of them?

Shinobu: You have a point...

(Y/n): Get your bike and let's go.

(Y/n): looking at the situation, we're going to have a hard time getting to Vale.

Shinobu nods and leaves to go grab her motorcycle.

(Y/n) begins to walk towards his motorcycle, but was stopped by the ring of his scroll.

He answers it, thinking he knows who it is.

(Y/n): What's up Naomi?

Sapphire/Raphtalia:(on scroll) (Y/n)!

(Y/n): Sapphire!? Raphtalia!?

(Y/n): How did you...?

Naomi:(on scroll) They've been pestering me for a month now, asking to talk to you.

Sapphire:(on scroll) Are you okay?

Raphtalia:(on scroll) Do you have any idea how worried we've been!?

(Y/n): What are you two? Worried housewives?

(Y/n) held his scroll away from his ear due to Sapphire and Raphtalia yelling at him, because of the remark he made.

(Y/n): I'm sorry, okay!? Jeez...... And to answer your question I'm fine.

Sapphire:(on scroll) When are you coming back?

(Y/n): I just have one more fuck head to kill, then I'll be making my way back.

Raphtalia:(on scroll) You've been gone for almost two years.

(Y/n): Are you serious!? It's been a few months for me.

(Y/n): Wait! If I've been gone for basically two years, that means you two are now older than me.....

Sapphire:(on scroll) Yes....

(Y/n): That means both of your body's are more developed, and even more sexier!

Raphtalia/Sapphire:(on scroll) W-what!?

(Y/n): I'm definitely fired up now! Don't worry, I'll make it quick and come home, if only to see my lovely friends again!

Naomi:(on scroll) Okay, that's enough of that you perverted Otaku! We're running out of time, so to keep it short! I did it, time machine is done. Finish your stuff up, and I can bring you back.

(Y/n): Got it. See you soon.

He hangs up.

(Y/n):........ (Sigh)

(Y/n): If those two keep acting like there my worried spouse, then I'm going to want some benefits, damn it!

(Y/n) grabbed got on his motorcycle, and met up with Shinobu. Together they began to find there way to Vale.

On the way, (Y/n) couldn't help but remember how the end of the first set of cultists ended.

(Play opening)

Draken, the last cultist on (Y/n)'s list.

(Y/n) had defeated the other nine, and helped free Vale from the cultists hold on it.

As (Y/n) was preparing to go fight Draken, he sees a broadcast.

The broadcast was being played everywhere in Vale. It seemed to be live footage. The broadcast showed two girls, Sapphire and Raphtalia.

" What!?" (Y/n) shouted.

The camera then moved to show Draken himself.

" (Y/n) R. Touchdown, it has come to my attention that you've defeated my underlings, congratulations. But don't think for a moment that fighting me is going to be easy, expect it to be..... Interesting." Draken said with a hint of superiority in his voice.

" I'm in the Beacon tower, don't keep us, waiting." Said Draken.

The broadcast then began showing Beacon Academy.

"Oh..... It's on!" Was all (Y/n) said before charging in his direction.

Meanwhile Jaune, Nora, Ren, Yang, Blake, and Weiss were also on there way to Beacon Academy. They were going there originally to beat Draken before (Y/n) could, bit now they were going to save Blake and Weiss's children.


The six had made it to Drakens location. They saw Sapphire and Raphtalia in cage's hanging over the edge of the roof.

Blake and Weiss demanded that Draken set there children free.

"I'm not interested In fighting you all. This .....(Y/n) seems far more of a challenge then you all." Said Draken.

" He's the son of Ruby Rose, correct? He's quite interesting...." Draken said.

The doors to the area they were in were kicked opened.

It was (Y/n). All eyes were on him.

"When all hope is lost, a hero shall arrive to save the day. What's that I hear? There are no more heroes in this world? Oh, but there totally is. My name is (Y/n) R. Touchdown, and I'm the last hero around." Proclaimed (Y/n) to everyone.

"Oh, good your here. We can now begin the game!" Proclaimed Draken.

(Y/n) looked around and saw all the drone's flying around, probably livestreaming all of this. He then saw Sapphire and Raphtalia in cage's.

"What kind of cliche is this?" (Y/n) spat out.

" This is the game I've set up. You'll have to choose which-" before Draken could finish, (Y/n) interupted.

"Pass." (Y/n) said.

Everyone was surprised by that statement.

"Excuse me?" Said Draken confused.

" Are you deaf motherfucker? I said I pass! I'm not interested in playing your game." Said (Y/n).

"Don't you want to save your friends?" Asked Draken.

" Oh, I fully intend on saving them both, but I'm not going to choose one over the other, like you were obviously going to do." Answered (Y/n).

(Y/n) began walking twords Draken.

" They're both important to me. So I'm going to pass on your shitty game, and skip straight to the kicking your ass part!" Shouted (Y/n).

(Y/n) then ran at Draken, and tackled him out of the building.

As the others screamed out (Y/n)'s name, the drone's that were livestreaming all of this began following the two free fallers.

(Y/n) was currently beating up Draken while they were free falling.

(Y/n) and Draken then crashed through a building, and began fighting.

The two fought each other ruthlessly.

They eventually crashed through a nother wall, and landed in the courtyard of Beacon Academy.

It began raining. The two were beaten up, quite a bit. The drones continued to livestream all of this.

The two got up and began charging at each other.

To be continued......

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