Nr 6: White Knight

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3rd person POV.

The six remaining Grimm cultists were in a wearhouse discussing there plans.

Hunter: The Vytal festival has started, this is a good time to leave.

Tiga: We're running away!?

Hunter: No exactly. Thanks to Blend, we know the teleporter is fixed. We're going to travel slightly into the future, a few months, maybe a year.

Hunter: When we leave, we'll have a easier time with our mission, with Touchdown not knowing where we are.

Pyra: What if he finds us, before we can leave?

Hunter: One of us will fight him, to distract him.

Blend: Who?

Hunter grabs a empty glass bottle, puts it on the ground and spins it. The bottle stops on White Knight.

Hunter: You're up.

White Knight leaves.

Hunter: When Beacon falls, we leave.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was called into Ozpin's office. He was told it had something to do with the cultists, he of course went.

When he got to his office, he walked passed a woman who was Weiss's older sister.

She left the room.

(Y/n) then saw four other people in the room.

A man known as Ironwood. Glynda Goodwitch. A man that (Y/n) knew as Qrow, and Ozpin himself.

(Y/n): So you found the cultists?

Ozpin: We found one.

(Y/n): Good enough. Tell me where that fuckhead is, and I'll get rid of it.

Ozpin: Before we do, we would like to know something.

(Y/n): What?

Ironwood: It's about the future....

(Y/n): I see...... Your not going to tell me if I don't tell you something, huh?

They stayed silent.

(Y/n):(sarcastically) Fine I'll tell you, it's not like telling you what's going to happen will drastically change the future.

Qrow: Can you give us a hint or something?

(Y/n): About what? What's about to happen, or what happens in the far future?

(Y/n): I'll tell you one, not the other. So make it quick, I want to kill a cultist.

Glynda: So something is about to happen? Is it about the people who infiltrated Beacon.

(Y/n): Is that what you want to know about?

Ozpin:....... Tell us what's about to happen.

(Y/n): Good choice. I was not interested in coming up with a riddle to tell you all about the future.

(Y/n): Basically, robots get hacked, Grimms come, and beacon falls.

Qrow: What!?

(Y/n): It sucks doesn't it? Now give me the location of the cultist.

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