Nr 7: Blair Witch

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3rd person POV.

Deep in the emerald forest, Hotdog man was there.

Deep in the emerald forest, Hotdog man was there

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Like a monk high on weed, he was meditating. He felt the breeze of the wild, smelt the scent of the forest, heard the sounds of nature.

Hotdog man: ................

Watching him a few feet away was a unnatural being. A Grimm girl, known as Blair witch.

Blair witch: So your the old fart training (Y/n) R

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Blair witch: So your the old fart training (Y/n) R. Touchdown......

Hotdog man: That is true......

Blair witch: That wasn't a smart move old man.

Hotdog man: Age doesn't make one smart, it makes one wise.

Blair witch: Yeah whatever. We can't have that Otaku fuck getting any better at killing us, so I'm going to end this training sessions you have with him.

Hotdog man: Do you believe violence is the answer?

Blair witch: Obviously.

Hotdog man: Foolish witch.....

He stood up.

Hotdog man: Violence isn't the answer, it's a question......

Hotdog man: And the answer to that question is yes.

Hotdog man flexed his body, causing his shirt to rip apart.

Blair witch: So the old man can still fight despite his age?

She created a ball of power.

Blair witch: I guess some target practice would be nice.

There battle then began.

(Play opening)

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