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3rd person.

(Y/n) was looking at the two people who claimed to be his siblings.

(Y/n) was looking at the two people who claimed to be his siblings

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(Y/n): Siblings!?

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(Y/n): Siblings!?

(Y/n): What the hell are you on about? You can't just come out of nowhere and say that were related, it'll just confuse every one!

???: To late, we already did it.

(Y/n): Great..... Just tell me who you are, and don't just say siblings.

Henry: I'm Henry, and I'm your handsome twin brother.

Jean: I'm your older half sister, Jean.

(Y/n): !?

(Y/n): What are you doing here? And why haven't I seen any of you at the family barbecues?!

Henry: Well you see, foolish brother, you fucked up.

(Y/n): I did no such thing.

Jean: Did you honestly think changing history wouldn't come with consequences?


Jean: Because of your adventure, you've created three timelines. One where our dad had a steamy night with Yang, resulting in my birth a few months later.

Henry: A second timeline were you have a twin brother.

(Y/n): And a third where I don't have any siblings........

Team RWBY, more specifically, Ruby and Yang seem to be having a hard time processing this.

(Y/n): So what now? Do we go get some ice cream and catch up?

Jean: Oh no, were going to fight.

(Y/n): Why?

Jean: Because I hate you.

Henry: I do as well.


(Y/n): Again, why?

Henry: I just hate your guts. Then you fucked my ex-wife, now I want to kill you.

(Y/n): Oh cool. What about you sis?

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