Bandit leader

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3rd person POV.

After arriving in a forest, when (Y/n) went through a portal, he now began searching for the cultists.

When he looked at the ground, he noticed several different footprints going in separate directions from each other.

(Y/n): Well shit....

He chose one of the footprints to follow by random, and began moving.

Along his journey, he got a call.

(Y/n): Hello?

Naomi:(on scroll) Finally! Do you have any idea how hard it is to call your Otaku ass when I don't know when you are!?

(Y/n): Jeez... Sorry.

Naomi: (on scroll) Whatever. I'm getting close to making you a way back.

(Y/n): Can't I use the teleporter?

Naomi:(on scroll) Do you know how to use it?

(Y/n): Fair point.

Naomi: (on scroll) When it's done I'll try calling you again.

Naomi:(on scroll) By the way, before I forget, your family is worried about you.

(Y/n): Why? I haven't been gone for long.

Naomi:(on scroll) By your perspective, but you've been gone for almost a year now.

(Y/n): Shit.... It doesn't matter, they should know I'm in the past, so tell them to quit there worrying.

Naomi:(on scroll) Whatever. Call you later.

She hung up, and (Y/n) continued to follow the trail.

(Play opening)

(Y/n) was following the trail on his motorcycle, but he came to a stop when he saw five people in his way.

The five people looked like bandits.

(Y/n) got off his motorcycle and looked at them.

(Y/n): You five are bandits, right?

Bandit 1: Is it that obvious?

(Y/n): Yeah.

Bandit 1: It doesn't matter. Give us all your stuff.

(Y/n): Question, what tribe do you belong too?

Bandit 2: The Branwen tribe.

(Y/n): Oh sweet. Where is the tribe?

Bandit 3: It's just a half a mile north.

Bandit 4: What the hell Steve?!

Steve: Sorry I forgot we're not supposed to tell anyone.....

(Y/n): Don't worry, I won't say anything.

Steve: Thanks man.

(Y/n) got back on his bike.

(Y/n): Thanks for the directions.

He activated the boost on his bike, and drove through the group of bandits. (Y/n) began driving twords the Branwen tribe.

TIMESKIP brought to you by Jean wandering around Remnant.

(Y/n) was now in front of the bandit camp. He looked at the high wooden defenses and the guards looking at him.

(Y/n): Yo!

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