Chapter 1

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Running. That was what I was doing. I was running. Away from the people who hurt me. Away from the hunters.

I was only 15 years old when they trapped my and started torturing me. All the hunters had a leader named Alex Kingcate. He was the one, who trapped and ripped me away from everything, I have ever loved. My pack and my brother Varga, the alpha. This wasn't the first time Kingcate had hurt my family only two years ago, he shot and killed my parents right in front of me and my brother.

I had been trapped for a long time. I dont even know how long other than five full moons. I knew that since I had to shift during full moon. 

I had been running for what seemed like hours when I finally got to a house. It had a lot of broken cars standing out in the front and could hear that there were people in there.

I ran up to the house, nearly passing out from tiredness and blood loss. Healing isn't too quickly after months of deep cuts and torture. I pounded on the door, fighting my eyes that were about to close.

"I aint buying what you're selling." A loud voice shouted from the inside. I pounded again, this time I could hear footsteps approaching the door. "I said-."

"Please help me." I cut in and then everything went black.

Winchesters' POV

Sam and Dean was at Bobby's for a little. They were looking for a way to safe Dean after he sold his soul.

"Boys come over here. Quick!" Bobby shouted for them suddenly. They ran over and saw a young girl laying in front of the door.

"Who is that?" Dean asked while Sam picked up the girl and carried her to the couch.

"Do I look like I know ya idjit?" Bobby answered. Dean held his hands up in surrender.

"Bobby can you get the first aid kit? She has a lot of cuts. Some deep." Sam asked concerned. Bobby nodded and got the first aid kit. Sam immediately started cleaned the cuts. "I think I will have to stitch this one up." Sam refereed to a giant deep cut all the way up her thigh.

"Do you think something got her?" Dean asked as Sam prepared the needle.

"I don't know. She would probably not be alive if a monster got her." Bobby said.

"I am not so sure about that. Who knows? Maybe demons got her?" Sam suggested whilst finishing up stitching the cut up.

"Well that may be true. They are definitely cuts by a kn-" Bobby was stopped as he noticed the girl's necklace. It was a wolf where the eye was a small green gem.

"What is it Bobby?" Dean asked curiously.

"I have seen this necklace before." He let go of the necklace and starts looking in his books.

"Where?" Dean moved towards him.

"If I knew where, would I be looking in a book right now?" Bobby sighed.

"Someone is grumpy." Dean mumbled under his breath.

"Holy crap." Sam said surprised and almost guilty.

"What is it?" Dean looked over at his younger brother.

"Someone really went for it with this one." Sam lifted up her shirt slightly so you could see a giant burn on her back. He started cleaning the burn making the girl hiss in her unconscious state.

"Who would do that to a kid?" Dean said infuriated. "If I find them, I will rip their lungs out!"

"Dean calm down. I want to find them too, but she has to wake up first." Sam finished cleaning the wound, when he saw something strange. "Guys her cuts are healing up."

"Yeah that's kinda what the body does." Dean stated unimpressed.

"No Dean. Look at some of the smaller cuts. They are healing up." Dean walked over and sure enough some of the smaller ones were healing up to the point, where you couldn't even see them any longer.

"What the-" Dean was dumbfounded.

"Boys I might know why." Bobby said and walked into his kitchen. The boys following close behind.

"What is it Bobby?" Dean asked.

"Her necklace. It is a Dawnas necklace." The boys looked at each other confused. "It is one of the most sacred Wolfblood objects."

"Wolfbloods?" Sam asked curios.

"Think of them as the cousin of werewolves. They have many of the same abilities, but also some different ones such as fast healing and complete transformation into a wolf at will." Bobby explained.

"How is it, that we haven't heard of them?" Dean asked.

"They are very secretive and usually keep to themsel-" Bobby was cut of by the sound of the door opening. They all looked at the couch and saw that the girl was gone.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaimed as they are ran after her.

Leona's POV

My eyes fluttered opened as I saw three men, one of which had the one to answer the door, standing in an other room. I could hear them talking.

"Wolfbloods?" I heard the tallest one ask.

"Think of them as the cousin of werewolves. They have many of the same abilities such as fast healing and complete transformation into a wolf at will." I heard the door guy say. Crap they know what I am.

"How is it, that we haven't heard of them?" The last one said.

I need to get out of here. Argh my thigh. That can't matter right now. They are hunters and I don't want to be right back, where I came from.

I try my best to stand as I hear the oldest one say; "They are very secretive and usually keep-" I ran as fast as I could out of the door. Pain was cursing my body, but I couldn't care so I just ran.

I hear someone yell; "Son of a bitch!" In the distance.

I ran between the cars and tried to get away. I could hear them closing in on me, but I just kept running but it didn't work. I ran towards a wall and as I turned to run away, I saw that the tallest one was standing in my way.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now