Chapter 2

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I was panting from running and could barely stand from the pain in my leg and my back bothered me now as well.

"Listen to me, I won't hurt you." The tall one said. I growled in response in a pathetic attempt to seem threatening.

"Get away from me!" I growled as he started walking closer. I made my eyes glow and my veins become black.

"Don't worry. I am gonna put the gun down now." He did as he said. "My name is Sam. What's yours?"

"Just let me go please." I begged as I trembled from the pain. "I know what you are but I am begging you. Let me go. I haven't hurt anyone."

The two others arrived at the scene. "This is Bobby and my brother Dean." Sam said gesturing towards them. He most have seen the terror in my eyes. "Guys put your guns down."

"What Sammy? Are you nuts?" Dean said angry.

"Just do it!" Sam ordered and they finally did. I relaxed a little more as they did. My eyes and veins faded. I started hyperventilating from the pain and fell down.

"Wow easy there." Sam caught me before I hit the ground. He picked me up bridal style. "Let's get her back to the house."

I could feel how I wanted to go to sleep. Hunter or not, Sam is good at carrying people comfortably. Before I knew it, I was placed back on the couch.

They pulled over a couple of chairs, so they could sit and probably keep an eye on me as well.

Sam gave me a glass of water and a couple of small pills. I sniffed the pills to be sure they weren't dangerous. "Don't worry. It's for the pain." Sam chuckled and I took them and chugged the water.

"So," Sam started, "I told you our names, what is yours?"

I kept my mouth shut. No matter, what they had done, they were hunters. They kill my kind, and they killed my parents.

"Hey kid. Speak up." Dean said. I just tried to make myself even smaller than I was.

"Dean quit it. You're scaring her." Sam said angry.

"She is a monster! I don't care about scaring her!" Dean exclaimed. I was almost tearing up at this point. My worst fear was people seeing me as a monster.

"That's enough boy! You were the one, who wanted to rip the lungs out off the people, who hurt her!" Bobby yelled even louder. That seemed to shut him up.

"Okay let's start with something else. How old are you?" Sam turned to me and looked at me with his puppy eyes.

"Fifteen." I whispered.

"Fifteen, that's a little young for being alone. What happened?" Bobby asked.

I whimpered not exactly wanting to remember what happened to me.

"Sorry if I hit a nerve." Bobby said. "Look there is a bathroom right around the corner. Go take a shower." He smiled at me. I gave him a small smile back.

"Thanks." I said and walked to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and let the water heat up while I took my clothes off. Despite me being a wild Wolfblood, I knew how some things worked. My dad would sometimes take me to the human world because I was so fascinated by it.

My thigh had loads of bandaids on it and it still hurt a lot. The same with my back.

I stepped into the warm water and started scrubbing all of the dirt and blood off of me. When you are captured and tortured for five months, there is a lot. I washed my hair with soap and I could see my blonde hair again.

When I was done, I took the towel that was in the bathroom and started drying myself off. That was when I heard a knock on my door.

"Yes?" I said with a weak voice.

"It is Sam. I have some new clothes for you. Bobby found some one of our friends, Jo, had left." Sam said through the door.

I put the towel around me and creeked the door open. "Thanks." Sam handed me the clothes and I closed the door again.

It was a pair of jeans, a big t-shirt, which was probably one of the boys', and a dark green flannel. The shirts were giant on me but the jeans fit nicely.

At that moment, I spotted a hairbrush. I don't usually brush my hair but it was so knotted that I figured it wouldn't hurt.

Poor choice of word. It did hurt. A lot. Damn tangles.

I walked out in to the living room. I saw Bobby sitting at the table in the kitchen. He quickly took notice of me.

"How are you feeling kid?" He asked a little tired.

"A little better. Thanks for the shower and clothes." I said with my weak voice. Even though they had been kind to me, I was still wary around them.

"Come over and sit here." Bobby gestured towards a chair and I did as he said. "Are you hungry?" My stomach grumbled before I could answer. "I will take that as a yes." Bobby chuckled slightly.

He went and opened the fridge. At least, I think that's what they are called. He pulled out a burger, I believe, and placed it in front of me. He also filled a big glass with water and sat that in front of me as well.

"This was leftover from yesterday. I figured you wanted something fast." He said down in his chair again.

"Thank you." I started practically inhaling the burger. I couldn't remember the last time, I ate.

"I guess you were hungry." A smirk had appeared on Bobby's lips. I gave him a small smile in return.

After a minute, I asked the question, that had been on my mind, since I was brought back to the house after my little escape attempt.

"Why are you doing this?"

"What?" Bobby asked surprised.

"Treating me well. You are hunters and I am a monster. Are you just waiting to kill like some sick game?" I was terrified and didn't trust them but would you if you had been tortured for five months by other hunters? I don't think so.

"Kid. I have seen a lot of monsters in my life. You are not one of them." Bobby gave me a kind smile and I gave one back. "Also, you are 15 years old and I don't hurt kids."

Bobby inhaled. "Besides I know that Wolfbloods usually doesn't hurt humans."

"Dean doesn't seem share that mindset." I said sadly.

"He has been through a lot, but don't worry he will warm up to you." Bobby reassured me.

"Leona" I said after a moment of silence.

"What?" Bobby looked up confused.

"My name. It is Leona." I said with a small smile.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now