Chapter 4

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Smiling. That the first thing I saw. Kingcate's manic smile before he sliced into me. Before he burned me. Of course he knew the slicing would heal relatively fast but the burning. It healed at the same rate as a human.

Why do you think they burned my kind as witches?

The scene then changed. I saw my pack. Varga, Aaron, Carrie, Gwen and Gadwick to name a few. All of them in a giant cell. I saw Kingcate torture them. I saw him burn the kids. I tried to help them as they screamed but I was held back by some unseeable force. I had to watch him torture them.

Sam, Dean and Bobby were there too. Slicing into me and burning me. Digging into old wounds and making new ones. Calling me a monster. An abomination.

Then I saw my parents. They looked at me with hate in their eyes. "You are a monster. Look what you have done."

Then I saw it. Bodies were littering the floor. Blood dripping from my claws. The metallic taste in my mouth.

Just then all of them stabbed me. Varga, Aaron, Carrie, Gwen, Gadwick, Kingcate, Sam, Dean, Bobby, mom and dad.

I jolted up and screamed as I awoke.

Sam, Dean and Bobby came running in with their guns. Then Sam noticed I was hyperventilating.

"Hey Leona." He hugged me. "Calm down okay listen to my breath. In and out. In and out. In and out."

I repeated that a couple of times to calm myself.

"What happened?" Sam asked letting go off me.

"I had a nightmare. A really bad one." I said as I snuggled into Sam's chest, making him hug me once more.

I always used to do this, when I got nightmares after mom and dad died, expect it was Varga and not Sam.

"Sam..." Dean started.

"I think I got this. Just go back to bed." I heard Sam say. Shortly after the door closed announcing that Dean and Bobby had left.

"I'm sorry, I woke you." I whispered into Sam's chest. It, for some reason, gave me some comfort even though I had literally just met him.

"It's fine, Leona. It happens." Sam said as he stroke my arm.

"I know this is weird." I sighed, causing Sam to look me in the eyes. "I have just met you and now you are comforting me. Especially since you are a hunter and I am Wolfblood." I inhaled deeply. "You just remind me of my older brother, Varga. He always comforted me, if I had a nightmare. He is tall as hell too and has long hair. He is probably about your age too." I could feel tears pressing in my eyes. I missed him so badly. He was the only family, I had left and I hadn't seen him in months.

"Don't think about it, Leona." Sam said as he stroked my hair. "Although I don't know, what you have gone through, it probably wasn't easy." He sighed. "And as for the whole me being a hunter and you being a Wolfblood, I don't care. You aren't the first friendly supernatural creature, we've met."

"Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt." I yawned.

I felt myself falling asleep in Sam's arms. I would have said something normally but I was way too tired to do anything about it.

Next morning

I woke up, laying with my head on my pillow with the blanket over me. Sam must have put me down, once I was sleeping.

I practically ran out of bed as I heard a bacon packet being opened in the kitchen.

As I got to the kitchen, I saw it was Dean cooking the bacon. Immediately feeling very awkward, I tried to retrieve to my room, but Dean noticed me, before I got so far.

"Morning." He shrugged, concentrating on the bacon.

"Morning." I sat down at the table, hoping that it would make this situation less awkward.

Spoiler alert it didn't.

"I am sorry for waking you last night." I said looking to the ground.

"It's okay. Just be careful or else it could end with me accidentally shooting you." He said with little to no emotion.

After moments of awkward silence only perpetuated by the sizzling of the bacon, I broke the silence. "Look, I know you don't like me because of what I am, but please would try to at least tolerate me?" I sighed. "I didn't choose to be born as this and I haven't killed anyone. The worst, I have done, is injuring another Wolfblood in a battle, they asked for, and they are fine now." I looked up and his piercing green eyes met my ocean blue ones. "I am trying not to be afraid of you. To accept that all hunters aren't bad, which isn't easy, especially for me, so would you please give it a try?"

There were silence for a little, before Dean sighed. "Okay, I am sorry but this whole supernatural creatures can be good thing is new thinking for me." I looked down. "But I will give you a try but if you do anything evil, I won't give you many chances."

I looked up once more to meet his eyes. "I know. Thank you for at least trying it." I smiled.

"Yeah but house rule, no chick flick moments." He said with a pointed finger.

I furrowed my brows. "What's a chick flick?"

"Believe me. You are better off not knowing." Dean chuckled and I did too.

And no it was not a typo. Dean actually chuckled. One step at a time.

Dean gave me some of the bacon on a plate, whilst sitting down in the chair opposite me. "So if I am gonna trust you, you should tell me something about your self." Dean looked me in the eyes.

"What do you wanna know?" I hesitately asked.

"Well you got any siblings?" He asked trying to start the conversation.

"I do. I have an older brother. Varga. He is 24 years old." I started eating a piece of bacon. "He taught me a lot of what I know. He always climbed trees with me, even when he was way too old he would still play with me."

"That makes sense." Dean ate a piece of bacon.

"What does?" I looked up confused.

"Your attitude. It screams youngest sibling." Dean chuckled.

"Hey! I am offended!" I threw a piece of bacon at his face.

"Thanks for that." Dean said and ate the bacon. "So I heard about your pack." I looked up at him and took another piece and ate it. "Can you tell me about it?"

I hesitated before I answered. "There are about 40 in my pack. My brother is the alpha of the pack." Dean looked up at me again. "Yes I know. That's just my bloodline. We have been alphas in that pack for a long time. Since forever basically." For a moment I stopped to think. Was this the best idea? Could I really trust them?

"He took over after my parents died two years ago." Dean looked up at me with sympathetic eyes.

That was when I saw Bobby and Sam sitting in the living room listening. All the sympathy was getting too much to handle.

"A hunter killed them. The same one who kidnapped and tortured me for months. They hadn't done anything." I stood up and walked outside. I couldn't take it any longer.

Tears, that had been held in for far too long, was flowing freely. Everything was coming at me all at once. Losing my parents, not seeing Varga and the pack for months.

That was when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Dean sitting down next to me. I hugged him and sobbed into his chest.

I just couldn't help it. I broke down.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now