Chapter 23

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I ran and ran and hunted some rabbits, and I just couldn't control my instincts. There was so much to hear and see and smell.

Suddenly, I had this feeling. That someone was in need. I used my eolas to see Ruby pouring something into Dean's mouth, while Sam was in another house holding a gun at the witches. I didn't know who to help, so I kept watching, and when I looked as if Dean was alright again, I decided to go for Sam. Only problem being with all my senses overwhelmed from the full moon, I had to just try and remember the route from earlier.

I finally found the right house, and I jumped through the window, to see that other woman, who I think might be called Tammi, lifting Sam and Dean up the wall. I jumped at her forcing her to let them go for a moment, and I clawed as much as I could.

"Leona!" Sam yelled.

"Bad wolf." She said as she flung me into a wall and had Sam and Dean in her control again along with me.

"Wait!" I heard a voice say. Ruby. "Please, I just came to talk."

"You made it out of the gate." 'Tammi' said in surprise. "Impressive. Bitch of a fight wasn't it?"

"The doors of Hell are only open for so long." Ruby said cold.

"What do you want Ruby?" 'Tammi' demanded.

"I have been so lost without you." She started. "Take me back. Thats why I let the Winchesters here, and as a bonus, a Wolfblood whose bloodline goes all the way back." How did she know that?

Dean looked at Sam with the most 'I-told-you-so' face ever. He even mouthed it.

"They are for you." Ruby continued. "As a gift."

"Really?" 'Tammi asked not convinced.

"Let me serve you again." Ruby pleaded. "I have wanted it. I have wanted you for so long." Okay, how exactly did she 'serve' her?

"You were one of my best." The demon smiled, just as Ruby tried to stab her with the knife. "But hone again you always were a lying whore."

The demon threw the knife from Ruby's hand, but Ruby kept fighting with hand to hand combat, before the demon got the upper hand. She threw Ruby into the Tv and a shelf.

"You are really telling me, you threw in your chips with Abbott and Costello here?" The demon chuckled before punching Ruby across the face with the fire poker, she had taken earlier.

"Come on, get up." When Ruby didn't, the demon got mad. "I said get up!" She moved down and picked her up by her jacket. "We have been here before, haven't we?" The demon looked at Sam's surprised face. "She didn't tell you? Pretty mortifying, I guess. She was one of mine. I turned her out a long, long time ago. Ruby here was a witch. Of course that was, when you were human." We all shared a shocked look with each other.

"Didn't want your friends to know that all those centuries back, you sold yourself to me?" The demon said in a sickly sweet tone. "Embarrassing, I guess, but don't worry, love. No secrets where you are heading, remember?"

The demon started exorcising Ruby, which caught us all by surprise. A demon could really exorcise another.

But she stopped, and instead she started coughing. I looked over to see Elizabeth doing a spell. She was helping us. The spell made us all fall to the ground in pain. Unfortunately, the demon strangled Elizabeth, but at least she helped us in the end. While the demon was busy, Dean had snuck up behind her and stabbed her in the back. Multiple times, might I add, which ultimately killed her.

I ran over to Sam to see, if he was alright.

"I'm okay." He answered as I stroke him with my nose. "Don't worry, Leona." He quickly looked me over to see, I only had some minor cuts, and some bruising that would probably show, when I transformed back.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now