Chapter 21 - Malleus Maleficarum

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We arrived at the motel, where Sam and Dean left me, since they were going to pose as CDC investigators. Not that I knew what it was just from the name, but apparently it meant that I was not allowed. 

I didn't mind that much however, since the motel we were at this time was much nicer and better then the last. There was way less of a weird smell and not as many unexplainable stains. 

I sat on one of the two beds and watched Scooby Doo, since Dean seemed hyped about it, when he turned on the Tv, cause otherwise I probably wouldn't have been able to figure it out. Human technology was still quite a mystery to me. 

I heard the Impala approaching, which made me happy cause that meant food, and it would have been Dean, who had picked it out. No offense to Sam but I am a meat eater and not a plant eater. 

"Hey, Cub." Dean yelled as Sam and him walked inside the motel room with two paperbags in their hands. "Catch." He threw one of the bags at me. I opened it and was instantly hit with the nice smell of pulled pork burger and fries.

"Yes!" I quickly unwrapped the burger and took a bite. "Thanks, Dean." Dean gave me a satisfied smile.

"What?" Sam mocked in offense. "No thanks to me?"

"Sam, I think we both perfectly well know that Dean picked this out and not you." I giggled and took another bite.

"Fair enough." He took out his rabbit food and started eating along with Dean. 

"So what did you find out?" I asked with anticipation. 

"We think this is probably a witch case." Sam started. "The vic's teeth had all fallen out, and she was spitting blood."

"Gross." I scrunched up my face.

"Agree with you on that one." Dean said. "I hate witches, always spewing their bodily fluids all over the place."

"That description didn't make it much better." I added. 

"It's also old-school, black magic, so whoever is doing this, is powerful." Sam clarified. 

"Which means it's gonna be even more difficult to find out who." I sighed. 

"Well, we know it was someone in Janet Dutton's life, who wanted revenge. So find the motive-"

"Find the killer." I ended Sam's sentence. 

I went outside to use my eolas. Eolas is the ability to see and hear things that are even far away, however you need to be careful, where you use it. Because it makes every sound much higher, you don't want to use it under an electrical mast. I hadn't used it in a while, and it was itching to get used again. Luckily, I did, cause I saw a normal in a car eating a sandwich, but unbeknownst to him maggots were in the sandwich. 

"We need to go!" I yelled as I ran back inside. "Someone is dying!"

We reached the man on the side of the road, and he was a lot coughing.

"Check the car." Dean quickly said to us, and immediately we searched the car for the hex bag. "Sam? Cub?"

"Got it." Sam yelled from the front seat as he took the hexbag outside and burned it, which soon enough made the man, who I found out to be Mr. Dutton, stop coughing.

"You okay?" Dean asked. 

"What the hell is happening to me?" Mr. Dutton asked. 

"Someone murdered your wife, and now they are trying to kill you, and if it hadn't been for her," He pointed at me." They would have." 

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