Chapter 3

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"My name. It is Leona." I said with a small smile.

"Nice one."

"Where are Sam and Dean by the way?" I asked looking around.

"Dean is out tinkering with his car and Sam is-" Bobby was interrupted by the door swinging open revealing Sam. "Right there." Bobby chuckled.

"Hey how are you doing?" Sam asked as he saw me.

"Better." I smiled and drank some water.

"She even gave me her name." Bobby said with an ounce of pride. "Leona."

Sam looked at me with a smile and I smiled back. He sat down on a chair as well right beside me.

"Where are you from?" Sam asked. I guess when you answer one question, you have to answer all of them.

"California." I answered. "I believe that's what it is called but I live in a forest." As soon as I said that I put my hand over my mouth. They didn't need to know I was wild.

"You are far from home (😝) then." Sam said and then realization dawned on him. "Wait the forest? What do you mean by that?"

Before I could answer, Bobby spoke. "You are a wild Wolfblood?" I carefully nodded, terrified once more.

"Wild how?" Sam asked intrigued.

"You live in the forest in a pack with not a whole lotta human contact. You actually try to stay away from humans." Bobby said.

I nodded. "Expect my dad always believed we should have more human contact I was so fascinated by it, when I was younger." I smiled slightly at the happy memory. "He would take me there to observe. He always said that we couldn't demand humans understand and respect us, if we don't do the same."

"Your father sounds like a smart man." Sam smiled at me and I just nodded. If I had talked too much more, I was afraid, I would cry.

Bobby looked at me puzzled and I felt uncomfortable. "Your old man. Is his name Alrik by any chance?"

I froze. How did Bobby know my father? Did he know Alex Kingcate? Was he just waiting for Kingcate to arrive, so he could hand me over?

Somehow I found the courage to speak. "How did you know?"

"I met him many years ago." I was scared by that. "I was on a werewolf hunt and I tracked your pack. I thought they had something to do with the killings, so I investigated it. Your dad must have known, I was coming. But the crazy things was, he didn't attack. He met me alone in the middle of the woods. He wanted to explain. He didn't want bloodshed, if he could avoid it. He told me that he tried to find the werewolves too. It drew unwanted attention to your pack. From what I understood Wolfbloods doesn't like werewolves either."

I shook my head. Wolfbloods hate werewolves. They give us a bad reputation. In the corner of my eye, I saw Sam listening closely to Bobby's story.

"Anyway halfway through, a little kid came running. Couldn't have been more then 2 or 3 years old. She was happy, and she ran to Alrik and sat on his shoulders. She looked at me. Not with fear or hate but curiosity. That was, when I realized that you didn't have anything to do with it. Also, I realized, I wouldn't want to kill kids. Innocent kids. So I let them go. Didn't tell a soul." Bobby finished.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now