Chapter 31 - Ghostfacers

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A/N: I'm so sorry, it took so long to upload this next chapter. I have just started up school again as I said in the previous, and I have been super busy, so the weekends have been full, but here it finally is.


Also FYI these "Ghostfacers" chapters will contain swearing and this chapter might have a lot of mistakes, cause I haven't proofed read it, since I just wanted to get it out.

The Morton house. The Grand Canyon of hunters, and Dean had insisted that we went there, since it was the 29th of February and the ghost will only be active on this one day for next 4 years. 

"What was the name of the ghost again?" I asked as we drove towards the house. 

"We don't know yet." Sam answered. "No one has lived to tell the tale." 

"Comforting." I muttered sighing. 

"Come on Cub, are you not scared of a little ghost, are ya?" Dean taunted. 

"When they can kill me, yeah." I answered with sarcasm dripping through every last word. 

"They are going to have a tough time killing you." Dean fired back chuckling. 

"You do realize, I am not immortal, right?" I scrunch up my face. "I can actually die." 

"Doesn't seem like it." Dean chuckled and Sam with. 

"What was that?" I shot up as I heard a sound, since we were near the house. 

"What?" Sam asked. 

"There was a sound near the fence over there." I pointed in the direction as Dean slowed down and Sam used his flashlight. I could swear, I could smell people around, but at the same time, this was a forest which held a haunted house. Many stupid humans would camp out here, trying to get themselves killed, it would seem. 

"I can't see anything, can you?" Sam looked to us and we both shook our heads. 

"Probably just some local kids." I muttered, as we drove off again. 

I smelled another presence in the house, as we had entered it. Or rather many other people. "Guys," I said to gain their attention. "We got company." 

"Police?" Sam questioned.

"Police." Dean confirmed. Knowing what that meant I transformed into my wolf form, and followed the boys. 

"Stop, police officers." Dean yelled as we went towards the small group of two young men, while I growled for the added effect. "Don't move." 

"Oh no." The younger one of the two trembled and closed his eyes. 

"Alright, take it easy." Sam came through with his much calmer voice. "Let us see some ID." 

"Come on." Dean hurried them up.

"Let's see some ID." Sam said once more. 

"Are we under arrest?" The same as before croaked out while handing Dean his ID.  

"We are unarmed." The other one said. 

"Oh God." The first one sighed. 

"You wanna explain that weirdo outfit, mr. Corbett?" Dean asked as he examined the ID.

"Woah." The other said in what sounded like realization, as Corbett had trouble getting the right words out. "I know you." 

Wait what?

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now