Chapter 6 - Red sky at Morning

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It was silent in the car expect for the music blaring in the background.

"So I was thinking." Sam started. "Maybe we should go and get you some clothes." I looked up at him. "It is a long way to California in those clothes. Especially when we might have to stop for a job."

"But I don't have any money." I almost whispered.

"No but we do." Sam looked back at me with a smile.

"I can't possibly take that from you." I put my hands up. "You are already doing so much for me."

"It's fine really." Sam smiled. "We hustled then in Poker. They aren't exactly hard to get." He chuckled.

"I agree." Dean smiled. "If you don't get some new clothes, you are going to end up stinking."

"Funny you are so worried about that." I chuckled. "I am the one with crazy sense of smell."

"Well then I guess I will be doing us all a favor." We all chuckled after Dean said that.

Dean drove towards the store and found a parking spot. We went inside and I had never seen anything like this before

"Wow this is big." I said astounded.

"Yeah it is." Dean chuckled. "Now lets go and get you some clothes."

We walked over to the woman's section and looked around. I found some sports bras, I believe they are called, since that is much more comfortable than a bra. Sam helped me look through the jeans, finding some highwaisted ones, since those are what I like the most.

"Hey look what I found." Dean announced as he showed me the pile of flannels in his arms. I just chuckled a bit. "You gotta look the part right?"

"Right." I said

"Oh and these." Dean held up a pair of black biker boots.

"Awesome." I said as I took the boots in my hands.

"You are already taking from Dean." Sam chuckled.

"Is that a bad thing?" Dean and I said in sync. Sam just laughed.

I went to the dressing rooms to try the stuff on.

After I was done, I took all the things outside and was met with Sam and Dean being incredibly bored. I cleared my throat.

"Finally." Dean bolted up from his seat. "Got everything you need?"

"Yes expect-" I took some socks and underwear. Sam and Dean looked away. "What? Come on, it's not like you haven't seen it before." I chuckled and walked towards the checkout.

We came out of the store and got into the car, putting the bags in the trunk.

"While you were in there, I found us a case. A woman drowned in the shower." Sam explained. "Sounds like our kind of thing."

"Sounds like a good plan. How far away is it?" Dean asked.

"It is in Massachusetts." Sam answered.

"Nice." Then he looked back at me. "I would get some sleep, if I were you."

"Sounds good." I said and layed down on the backseat. I was apparently more tired then I thought since I fell asleep almost instantly.

"Hey kid, wake up." Sam shook me gently. I groaned awake. "We are stopping for some food. You want anything?"

I nodded and we walked into the shop. Dean was already in there. "Hey what do you want?" He asked.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now