Chapter 17

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We ended up doing research on what could drag a full grown man up the chimney. Even though my idea of Santa gone rogue, and exposing his true self, had been shot down fairly early on. Don't look at me all weird, he is already a creep. 

"Okay, my head hurts." I proclaimed.

"Yeah, mine too." Dean chimed in.

"Well, then it is good that I found something." Sam said.

"What is it?" I walked up and stood behind him.

"Santa's evil brother." Sam stated.

"You're not serious, are you?" Dean asked.

"Dead serious." Sam started, before I interrupted.

"Hey, that means my theory of rogue Santa is not that far off." I lifted my arms in triumph. "I am awesome."

"Well..." Sam started trying to ignore, whatever I just did. "Not entirely. You see every religion out there have a version of evil Santa. Krampus, Black Peter, the list goes on, but they all have one thing in common."

"They drag people up the chimney?" Dean questioned.

"Pretty much." Sam looked down at his screen. "Instead of leaving coal for the naughty kids, they and I quote; 'drag the kids out and feed on them.' "

"That sounds pleasant." Dean shrugged.

"So what? He is expanding the meal to something with more proteins?" I looked down at Sam, who was still sitting in his chair.

"Could seem like it." Sam closed his laptop, as I had been told, it was called.

"Where do you find them?" Dean asked.

"That's the fun part." Sam chuckled.

In the next moment, we were in a run down Christmas market as Sam and Dean called it.

"So evil Santa is here?" I asked tugging my jacket closer to me, trying to shield myself from the cold. I was used to having fur, so when you can't have that, it gets cold easily. 

"It could seem like it." Sam explained. "They live in filth, got a limp and smells like candy."

"Candy?" I looked up at him. "Really?"

"Yeah." Sam chuckled. "You smell anything?"

"Well, there is some smells from all over the place, since that is apparently Christmas." I shrugged. "But it seems to be more concentrated over there." I pointed towards a creepy looking old dude.

As we started walking, Dean started chuckling. "You know this whole place reminds me of our Christmases."

"With dad passed out on the couch?" Sam shot back.

"No, with the crappy trees and decorations." Dean chuckled again. "All those hideous trees, dad brought home. We should have one this year."

"I don't really know Dean." Sam shrugged.

"Since when did you become the Grinch?" Dean muttered.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"I will explain later." He answered.

"We have two very different versions of Christmas, when we were kids." Sam sighed.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad." Dean argued.

Before it could go any further, I decided to break in. "Here, we are." I announced.

I mouthed out a "tell him" to Sam, referring to what he told me earlier. He shook his head as if to say 'not right now'. 

In front of us, were the creepy version of Santa. He had a kid on his lap and then came out with this nightmareish laughter.

"He is definitely the one smelling the most like candy of the people here." I confirmed. "Even more than the kids."

"Are you sure, it is him?" Dean asked.

"Well, maybe." I shrugged. "The scent of candy overpowers me."

That was when a girl in a green costume came by. "Welcome to the North Pole. Can I escort your child to Santa?"

"We don't have a kid but he-" Dean patted Sam on the shoulder. "Has always wanted to do it." That statement earned him one of the famous Sam Winchester bitch faces.

"No thanks, we just want to watch." I giggled, when I realized, what Sam had just said. "No not like that I mean-"

"Creep." The girl walked away before Sam could explain.

"Well done." I patted his back in the fit of laughter, I shared with Dean.

That was when something peaked our attention. The Santa got up, and he was limping.

"Are you seeing, what I am seeing?" Dean was surprised to say the least.

"I guess, we might have our guy." Sam pointed out.

We decided to go to the diner in town to get some dinner, before we were going on lookout. We had some extra time, so we drove back to the motel.

"I am gonna go for a walk." I announced.

"Okay, just be back in an hour." Dean yelled from the bathroom.

"Be safe, Leona." Sam smiled.

"I will." I turned to walk out the door, before I remembered something. "Tell him, while I am gone. He will understand."

"We'll see." He sighed in return. "See you."

"See you." I said and walked outside.

I had put my mind to the fact that I wanted to get them some Christmas presents. Regardless of whether or not we were gonna celebrate, they deserved it. 

I arrived at the big store in town to try and find something for them. I looked around still being slightly overwhelmed, given it was only my second time in a store like this. I quickly started looking around, well knowing I didn't have a lot of time.

I decided the books were probably, where I would find something for Sam. I looked around thinking of which he would like, when I came across this one book. The Wizard of Oz. Sam had mentioned it on one of the long car rides. I took one of the books and moved on to Dean's present.

"What would Dean want?" I mumbled to myself. I looked and looked, when I realized I had to find something soon, but that was when I found it. A Bon Jovi shirt. That was one of the band, Dean always listened to in the car, since I had eventually asked him.

I went up to cashier to pay. I had saved some of the money from Bela in case I would need them. Seemed like this was just the right time.

I went back to the motel, whilst hiding the presents under my jacket.

"Its me." I yelled, as I knocked on the door.

Dean, then came to let me in. "Just in time."

"You know, I can be responsible sometimes." I sneaked the presents into my backpack.

"No I didn't know that." He teased. 

"Hey!" I said and threw a empty can from the nightstand at him. It hit him in the forehead.

"Did you really have to do that?" He joked.

"Yeah I did." I giggled.

He threw the can back, and I dodged it, making it hit Sam square in the chest.

"Ups." I chuckled.

"Are you ready to go spy on Santa?" Sam asked with a prominent bitch face on.

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