Chapter 29

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We went over the plan as they came back inside, and let me tell you, Ruby wasn't happy about it. The others had gone to their designated spots, while Ruby, Sam, Dean and I still took up the main room.

"Get the equipment to work?" Dean asked as Sam reentered

"Yeah." Sam answered.

"So?" Dean asked.

"So this is insane." Sam argued.

"You win Understatement of the year." Ruby snarked.

"Look, I get it. You think-"

"I don't think. I know." Ruby interrupted.

"No you don't actually." I spoke up. "Have you ever been in this situation before?" I didn't even give her time to answer. "Well, you certainly haven't been with the Winchesters. If anyone can turn a half-baked plan into a success, it's them."

I walked off to my designated spot with my shotgun and extra rounds, feeling very tired and annoyed with Ruby. If she didn't believe, we could win, then fine. Luckily, that is not her choice.

I cleared my area by opening the door, breaking the line of salt and scraping off the devils traps.

"All set?" I heard Dean yell.

"Yeah." Came from Sam.

"Ready." Henrikson yelled.

I howled to let them know I was ready.

"Let's do this." Dean yelled.

Opening the doors we still had to wait for a few seconds, and then all hell broke loose.

I was fighting and shooting demons left and right, suddenly becoming very fond of the lessons, Dean had given me every once in a blue moon.

"Argh, not now." I growled as I could feel my headache returns and did my best to ignore it. It must have been all of the noises and the disgusting smell of rotten eggs that had triggered it.

Seriously, could demons not smell like that, please?

I felt a demon kick me in the kneecap making me fall to the ground, as more demons piled on to me. I felt like dead meat already.

I growled as I found all the strength, I had left and clawed left and right, eventually making it, so I could stand again. I got shoved into a glass window as I threw holywater on my assailant.

"Come on, Nancy." I hissed. "Come on."

And then it came.

The exorcism started over the loudspeakers, and I knew we won as soon as I saw the demons fighting to get out, before all coming together forming a massive dark cloud and go straight back to hell.

"Are you okay?" I ran over to, where I could hear Sam and Dean groaned from, and saw them on the ground by the wall.

"What do you think, Cub?" Dean replied.

"Yeah." Sam sighed and smiled. "Are you?"

"Expect for some cuts and bruises, yeah." I answered. "How about you, Henrikson?"

"I think I can taste some blood, but I'm good." He let out a chuckle.

The power then came back and all of the surviving victims of the demon possession woke up.

We had helped clean up and treat what we could, when we had started collecting our weapons.

"I better call it in." Henrikson stated. "I have a story, I won't be telling."

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now