Chapter 24 - Dream A Little Dream of me

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We were sitting in a diner to get ourselves some food. We looked through the menu, and after a little a waitress come over.

"Welcome to Biggerson's." The waitress asked in their sickly sweet voice. "What can I get you?"

"I would like the double bacon cheeseburger and a beer." Dean started.

"I will have the Cub salad with a water." Sam said.

"Boring." Dean whispered to me and I chuckled slightly.

"I take the pulled pork burger with a Dr. Pepper. " I smiled and gave her my menu along with Sam and Dean's.

"Okay." She took the menus. "I will bring you the drink soon."

After she walked away Dean looked over at me. "You have never had Dr. Pepper before."

"Well, no." I shrugged. "But I wanna try as many different things, I can before going back."

Sam and Dean looked at each other and shrugged too.

"Here you go." The waitress had just gotten back with our drinks and and handed them out.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I hope it is okay, I ask, but how is it?" She asked and we looked confused before she clarified. "Adopting."

"Oh." Dean started. "She is not-"

"No daddy-o." I giggled and nudged him with my elbow. "Don't be modest. Tell the young lady about how great I am."

"It is awesome." Dean smiled. "She is a sweetheart." He nudged me quite hard too.

"Sounds amazing." She smiled. "My girlfriend and I have thought about it."

"I can only recommend it." Sam chuckled, and the waitress went over to some other guests at the entrance. "What was that about?" He looked back at me.

"What?" I giggled. "Everyone already thinks I am Dean's daughter. I might as well have some fun with it." I took a sip from my drink.

Sam had gone to a bar, and Dean being Dean had followed, all while I decided to stay a the motel and read some books. Or well one book. I really wanted to read John's journal, since I had seen it on multiple occasions, and Sam and Dean were very secretive about their dad. Also I really wanted to know, what a so intense hunter thought about supernatural creatures.

I expected them to be intense, but not down right cruel. I mean, this journal basically said to kill every supernatural creature, you encounter. All because it could turn out to be a killer and better be safe than sorry.

So going by John's train of thought, I should have been killed, when I was born because I could turn out bad.

I threw the journal on the table and groaned in frustration over the words written. Just then the door opened and I saw two tired looking boys.

"How much did you get?" I joked. "You do know I can't drive."

"Not right now, Cub." Dean sighed as he walked to the bathroom.

"What was that about?" I tried to ask Sam.

"I'm just tired of his attitude." Sam sighed as he threw himself on one of the beds. "It's almost like, he doesn't wanna be saved. I mean I tried to save him, I did, but I can't."

"Sam," I let out a sigh too. "You are doing everything, you can, so am I, and you can't do anymore. You know Dean better than anyone else, right?"

"Probably." He mumbled.

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now