Chapter 18

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"Are stakeouts always this boring?" Insert dramatically slamming myself on the backseat here.

"Yep." They said in unison.

"It's so weird, when you do that." I yawned. It was getting pretty late, and honestly I just wanted to sleep.

"Yeah whatever." Dean said. "Can you pass me the coffee?" I gave him the coffee. "Thanks." He unscrewed the kid revealing no coffee left. "How much coffee have you two been drinking?"

"Hey, don't look at me." I threw my hands up in defense. "I don't like even like it. It tastes like crap, if you ask me."

We both looked at Sam. "What? I haven't had that much."

Dean just sighed. That was, when I saw the Santa guy begin to act weird. He was looking out the window, almost like he wanted to be sure no one was there. Then I heard a female screaming.

"Guys." I pointed to his trailer. "I am gonna transform real quick."

"Alright, let's go." Dean commanded, when I was done.

We sneaked over to the trailer, when Sam snickered.

"What?" Dean asked.

"It just..." He chuckled. "For all the love for Christmas, you might have to shoot Santa."

"Whatever." Dean started counting down on his fingers. "Three, two, one." Dean kicked the door in, and that was when we saw the Santa guy sitting on a filthy couch with the Tv going in the background.

"Who the hell are you?" The Santa faced us and looked angry. Understandable, we did just burst in to his trailer.

The boys looked at each other before Dean started singing. Sam quickly followed too. I snickered as a wolf over just how embarrassing that must have been for them.

"Get out!" The Santa guy yelled.

"Yes sir." Dean mumbled and we hurried out to get to the car.

As soon as we were a little further down the road, I transformed back and immediately started laughing. I mean crying of laughter.

"It's not that fun." Sam said embarrassed.

"Oh, but it is." I managed to get out between the laughs. "Beautiful voices, I must admit."

"Shut up." They sternly said in sync.

"Sorry." I ended the laugh as well as I could. "So he clearly wasn't our guy, although he was a creep. So..."

"We still need to find out who and what it could be." Sam finished.

"Yes, but not anymore tonight." Dean pointed out. "I need my four hours and the same goes for the two of you."

"I agree." I yawned to prove my point.

We arrived back at the motel at around 3am. I went inside first and got my pajamas to change into. I decided to change in the bathroom, both so I could brush my teeth, while I was at it, and so they could just change out in the room.

"Goodnight." I said as I laid down.

"Goodnight." Sam said back.

I felt the bed dip and then I heard; "night Cub," from behind me.

Another person had gone missing, which meant more investigating for us to do. I was once again in my wolf form to be a police dog. Seriously, does no one know that wolves are like quite a bit bigger than dogs? Apparently not.

Sam knocked on the door, and a woman opened it.

"Mrs. Caldwell?" Sam asked. "I am Agent Hanson, this is Agent Johnson and this is our police dog, Leona." They flashed their batches. "We are here to investigate your husband's disappearance."

Running with the wolves (Supernatural x Wolfblood) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now