Chapter 0.3 - Crazy Shopping Gals

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Skylar whined in pain, "My feet hurt, I'm tired and hungry

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Skylar whined in pain, "My feet hurt, I'm tired and hungry. Are we done yet?"

"Hun, we have barely gotten anything, so shut your trap and move!" Melody ordered.

"Dammit," Feya cursed, "I just realized, I don't have a pair of heels to walk in when we get in the school halls."

I groaned, "Here we go again."

Feya grabbed me by my wrist and started to drag me towards a store when I saw a flash of memory before I ripped it out of her grasp.

She turned around and gasped, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! You okay?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to rid my brain of the horrifying memory. I don't know how much time passed but I felt lighter once I opened my eyes.

"I'm so sorry Red," Feya whimpered, "Ii didn't mean to."

I forced a smile before nodding and fell in step beside her.

If you haven't already guessed, I have PTSD, which means I get these flashbacks once in a while. They used to come every day but thanks to Feya, her medicine worked well enough to reduce it to thrice a month; give or take five.

"Ooo, let's go there!"

I turned to look where Melody was pointing before calling my acting skills to roll my eyes back and pretending to faint. I caught myself right before my head crashed into a table.

"You okay?" Mel questions in concern.

I mentally snickered and look at Sky in triumph. She had a grin on her face before she decreased, afraid to get caught by the shopping crazy gals.

"I don't think so," I mumbled, "you guys go ahead. I'll ask Sky to take me home."

They were about to turn around when Mel said, "Waiiitttt. I know what you're doing. You're perfectly fine!"

I panicked and let out a pathetic excuse of a cough, "no seriously, I don't feel well."

They rolled their eyes before caving in.

"Fine, but we're still shopping."

Sky gave me a beaming smile and helped me up, flowing with my act before we went onto our bikes.

"Thank you so much," she sighed dramatically, "I don't know how long I would've survived in there without chopping someone's head off."

I gave her a mischievous smirk and replied, "What are friends for?"

 This chapter is mainly about Astrid's second to last day in Florida

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This chapter is mainly about Astrid's second to last day in Florida.

The next chapter will skip the last day because it's mainly just about Astrid and her friends remembering all their good memories, and embarrassing ones too ;)

I'll try to update this Saturday, but I don't think I can, sorry :)

Chapter Song - "Power" - Little Mix

Happy reading!

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