Chapter 2.2 - Is She Mad?

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I kicked and thrashed against my "guards" as they took us all to the EXECUTION ROOM.

Number one, who the hell names their killing room the EXECUTION ROOM? Like, name it something happy so the poor guy dies in a room that's creative! Maybe the room where Pink-Fluffy-Unicorns-Attack-And-Kill-any-offenders...that would work...Nvm.

Number two, I could tell the others weren't having any luck against their "guards". When I get back - if I get back - I will personally kill Ms. Blood Ivory. She had a god-damn week to find us and we're still here while she probably enjoys her cocktails on a Mexican beach. C'mon man!

"Throw them on the chairs."

My guards literally did that, so I ended up fixing myself upright with a struggle.

"Don't we still have two hours till Blood Ivory loses," Sky boldly asked. Instantly, she got slapped in the face.

She controlled her breathing and clenched her fists behind the chair. One observation I saw was that the girls were quite comfortable in the chairs and room overall. They knew what to say to trigger the guards and at the same time, save their asses. I would say they have been kidnapped before but that's highly unlikely.

We heard something on the radio and it was all fuzzed out before a clear name was made out.

*Static* Blood Iv*Static* here

In this room, everything could be heard, inside and outside, but the fact that it was pin-drop silent and I still couldn't hear a thing, made me apprehensive.

I looked around at the others and they looked at me too, wondering what kind of shit was about to go down.

Then we heard a muffled move and I could only guess what was about to happen, but nothing would brace me for what did happen.

We all heard quiet footsteps and suddenly, a loud shatter echoed through the room, and someone with a black cloak tore through the wooden doors.

Her raven black hair whipped around as she rolled on the floor while the other girl shot the guards with impeccable accuracy.

The Blood Ivory twins.

The girl who had opened the door turned around and kicked the person behind her before getting tackled onto the floor. They wrestled as all of us watched anxiously before she threw one of them towards me, making sure the chair broke.

I groaned and gave her the stink eye before trying to get up but only to fall down again. Ivory grabbed her dagger and threw it to Sky who skillfully caught it with her mouth. Hopefully, she washes it after.

Before I knew what was going on, my ropes had been cut and so were the other boys. Ivory was moving away from Brian to take care of the other guards when Castell pulled the trigger twice, shooting her in the thigh once.

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