Chapter 0.9 - This is going to be fun (Part 1)

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Mom clapped her hands excitedly. Apparently, she and dad cut their trip short because it was boring and I quote They had better things to do.

"Hayden," She squealed, "The Gala of the Gangs is in 2 weeks! Do you have a partner? Aris, do you."

Mom and dad actually organized the Gala of the Gangs. It was a fun party where you could strictly wear gowns and tuxes but there were performances, dances, and very rarely, proposals. I've had to reject a couple myself. It's not fun, trust me.

"Are you going this year Astrid," dad asked.

I forced a smile and felt a kick from Feya.

"Yeah," I mumbled, "We're going. But the rest is a surprise."

"I'm sure it is," Hayden muttered, "Who's your partner?"

A sly smile crept up my face, "Who said I needed one?"

"What," He gasped disbelievingly, "Ma, you've got to be kidding me!"

Mom just shrugged, "She said a date would ruin the surprise."

I looked at Hayden in triumph, "In your face sucker."

"Who's your date, Aris," I asked him. Right now, anyone could tell his food was way more important than the Gala of the Gangs.

"Huh, oh. I don't have one. I was going to go along with the rest of the guys."

The whole table gasped while I tried to hold in my laugh. Poor Aris looked like he was a deer caught in the headlights.

"Should I be worried," he leaned over and whispered to Hayden. I kicked them under the table and mouthed 'Run!'

All hell broke loose after that.

All hell broke loose after that

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About an hour later, I was able to stash Aris in my closet. Raiden and William ran out of the house and Mom and dad gave up on finding the hidden ones after a while.

I scrolled through my phone and put on the Harry Potter theme song. That was one tune I absolutely loved.

As I was humming to the tune, I tidied my room. Occasionally, I did pirouettes and leaps. I never went to a ballet class, but Raven taught me a couple of moves.

"Not bad," I heard Aris say, "Pretty good if I say so myself."

I immediately whirled around to whack him with the broom but he caught the end and tugged it out of my hand.

He pouted, "Why are you so violent?"

I borrowed my eyes, "Maybe I'm violent just towards you."

We heard a ping from my phone and I ran to grab it.

Fight at 10. Against 5. Don't be late. ~ R

"Shit," I hissed, "You need to go."

"What, why," Aris question. I pushed him towards the door. It was already 9 and I am never, ever late for my fights, a streak I would like to maintain.

The moment he was out, I shut the door in his face and scrambled to get my clothes on. Just before I jumped down the balcony, I texted the girls I would be back at 1. They knew what it meant.

I pulled on my hoodie and gripped the railing forcibly. I looked down and I must admit, it was a tad bit scary. 

Taking a deep breath, I swung over it and tucked myself into a ball, making sure I land on my feet like a cat.

I swept past the double doors leading back inside and went inside the garage. Before I knew it, I was off, curious about who my opponents would be today.

 Before I knew it, I was off, curious about who my opponents would be today

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Sorry for updating late!!

I was outta town with no wifi so I tried finishing this chapter the moment I could.

It is really confusing so let me know if you have any questions!

Happy reading!

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