Chapter 2.1 - My Turn

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After a painful week of waiting, I was finally getting ready to get my friends back. Castell hadn't moved as promised. He thought Blood Ivory was some little girl to be messed around with but today, I would prove them wrong. Today, I would show who I truly was.

I strapped my waist-belt and placed three daggers and a gun in the holster. I grabbed my cloak and wrapped it around me, pulling my hair in the process.

"Ow, ow, ow," I yelped while trying to take my hair out from a button. Once that was done, I pulled my boots and grabbed my phone before setting my destination and taking my bike. I rode without the helmet, loving how the cloak flew behind me and my long hair whipped around.

I took the freeway and made an exit after 10 minutes.

I must admit, Castell put his hiding spot where I wouldn't have thought of if I hadn't placed the tracker, but in a battle, every trick works; just being dishonorable doesn't.

Parking my bike half a mile away from the mansion, I walked briskly up to it, changing my course slightly so I would end up on the left wall.

I scaled the fence before backing up and running to it, grabbing anything that would help me go over. My feet landed on the tiled floor.

Yes, tiled floor. Their front yard was made of tiles.

I froze when I heard the voices of guards. The only place to hide being some bushes, I quietly slipped into them, observing for a good 15 minutes. Castell's guards were widely spread and few and far in between. 

Then an announcement was made and I faintly heard something about Castell putting Ivoty'es prisoners into the EXECUTION ROOM.

I had to move fast and now.  Using the trees as my cover, I darted behind each one to make sure no one saw me. Once I was close enough, I jumped up and grabbed the rooftop, pulling my self upward.

Taking off in an immediate run, I hopped along the roof and plummeted into an opening. The opening was thee stories tall and like a mall. I fell past glass walkways and beautiful chandeliers before taking myself into a ball and rolling.

I crept up behind the first guard who had yet to see me and but a hand over his mouth, slitting his throat quickly.

The guard next to him almost pulled the trigger when I kicked his gun up and punched him hard, diving for the gun later so it wouldn't make a noise. The other guards had all left their posts to see what was going on in the execution room.

"You ready", Indigo asked through my earpiece.

"Raven got the floor plan right?"

"Yeah," Raven replied, "Second floor's been taken out by Archer. Third floor last room is a large hall known as the execution room. About thirty or so guards... good luck, you'll need it."

"Indigo," I responded, "Get down here."

Not a second after, a quiet thud echoed in the room and we both took off for the stairs, climbing them three at a time.

"How are we gonna get in," Indigo questions, "Hopefully it isn't one of your pow pow strategies. We both don't have our masks on either, so it'll be like, Astrid and Marcella come to save the top gangs in the US with nothing but a backup intel and next to no artillery."

"Oh," I said breathlessly, "Well you just stated my plan."

"My fucking god. You seriously are a bitch."

I smiled, "I'm known for that aren't I?"

We reached the second floor and continued going.

"Are you going to the gala of the gang?"

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