Chapter 8

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 Two moons passed since Eclipsepaw attacked Leopardpaw. After Wishlight patched her wounds up, Eclipsepaw had to join Leopardpaw, Violetpaw and the others help around the medicine cat's den, but she had to do it for only one moon. Gorsefoot's paw was better, and he was Eclipsepaw's mentor again. Butterflypaw was better, and she started training again. All of the apprentices' punishments were over. Flowertail was almost ready to have her kits.

 Eclipsepaw now padded back in camp. She just had a fighting lesson with Gorsefoot, and she was way better at fighting now, thanks to the training in the Dark Forest. Her right ear was a little shredded, because Bramblehiss clawed her ear. And Leopardpaw now had a nick in her right ear and a scar on her left eye from the fight she had with Eclipsepaw.

 The black-and-white apprentice padded towards Butterflypaw. ''Hi.'' She meowed. 

 Butterflypaw turned. ''Oh, hi, Eclipsepaw! I caught this vole today!'' She purred and pushed a vole towards her.

 Eclipsepaw looked down at the vole. ''Good job, I guess.'' She meowed. 

 ''What's wrong? Since the moment you came back to camp with your ear a little shredded, you've been.. acting a little rude.'' Butterflypaw whispered.

 ''So? This is me now.'' Eclipsepaw meowed. Soon, you'll thank me. 

 Butterflypaw took a deep breath. ''No, this isn't you. When we were kits and new apprentices, you were... very kind, and we were best friends, and..''

 ''So now you don't want to be my friend anymore?'' Eclipsepaw hissed. 

 ''No, no! It's just.. I'm surprised on how much you changed.'' Butterflypaw hurried to answer, startled.

 Eclipsepaw rolled her eyes and padded off, but before she could go out of camp, she heard a yowl coming from the nursery. She turned just to see Swiftleap run out of the nursery. ''Flowertail's kits are coming!'' He yowled.

 Wishlight rushed out of the medicine cat's den, carrying some herbs. Turtlenight followed close behind her. The pale orange she-cat rushed in the nursery. Turtlenight stopped next to Swiftleap.

 ''It's better if you stay outside.'' She whispered and then disappeared in the nursery. 

 ''Stay outside?'' Swiftleap asked, but before he could do anything, Lavenderpurr ran towards him. 

 ''Calm down, Swiftleap. Every queen's mate has to stay outside while she has her kits.'' She rolled her eyes.

 Eclipsepaw padded back to Butterflypaw. ''Well, I guess it's nice knowing there will be more kits.'' She meowed.

 ''Weren't you really excited about there being new kits?'' Butterflypaw asked. 

 ''Oh, so you mean being excited about hearing some annoying kits' voices every time you're in camp? Then yeah, I was excited.''

 Butterflypaw rolled her eyes, but then she froze and stared past Eclipsepaw's shoulder. The black-and-white she-cat turned, just to see Leopardpaw.

 ''Hi, mouse-brain.'' Leopardpaw laughed. 

 ''Oh, look, it's the fox-heart without a soul.'' Eclipsepaw hissed and got up, pushing Butterflypaw away from Leopardpaw.

 ''Can't Leopardpaw stop being rude?'' Butterflypaw whispered. 

 ''No, I can never stop being rude.'' Leopardpaw smirked, approaching them again. 

 Eclipsepaw growled and got up. ''Are you looking for another fight?'' She hissed. 

 ''Sure, kittypet.'' Leopardpaw unsheathed her claws.

 ''There will be no fighting here.'' Dreamstar hissed, approaching the two angry apprentices. ''Or do you both want to have punishments again?'' She asked. 

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