Chapter 17

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 Eclipseshine opened her eyes, but instead of seeing the Dark Forest with the scary, black mist around her, she was in ThunderClan's camp. What even is this? This isn't the Dark Forest!

 She looked around. This isn't right. She noticed Wishlight, the former medicine cat of ThunderClan, padding out of the medicine cat's den with Turtlenight. But the tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat seemed younger. Eclipseshine stood there, confused.

 ''Uh.. hello.''

 Eclipseshine froze and looked towards the nursery. Her, as a kit, padded towards a black-and-ginger she-cat. Wait, that's Butterflyspirit! Am I having a dream about my kithood?

 ''Hi! I'm Butterflykit, what about you?''


 ''Nice name, Eclipsekit!

 ''Oh, thanks, your name is also, uh.. nice.''

 Is this supposed to make me feel bad and forgive Butterflyspirit? Eclipseshine thought, annoyed, and then noticed Violetstream and Leopardeye - who were smaller, as they were kits in this dream - staring at them.

 ''Gah, why is that kit hanging out with the ugly kit?''

 ''I don't know. I mean, Butterflykit is too ugly! Eclipsekit is too pretty to hang out with that ugly kit.''

 Eclipseshine rolled her eyes. If she would've had this dream a few moons ago, she would feel angry, but now, she felt nothing. It's not like I'll forgive Butterflyspirit.

 ''Hey, that's not nice!'' Her younger self hissed.

 Violetstream and Leopardeye - well, Violetkit and Leopardkit in this dream - pushed Eclipsekit away. ''My name is Violetkit, and that's Leopardkit, my sister.''

 Eclipseshine unsheathed her claws. ''I don't want to have this dream anymore! I don't care about Butterflyspirit, I should never have been her friend!'' She yowled.

 Suddenly, the dream seemed to break apart. Everything stopped, and what Eclipseshine saw in front of her started to turn black. She panicked. What's going on?

 Then, she saw tall, dark brown trees forming around her. Underneath her paws, the very dark brown dirt appeared. She understood that she was going back to the Dark Forest.

 Bramblehiss and Thistlefang appeared from behind a dark green bush. ''So, you didn't feel any sympathy.'' Thistlefang purred.

 ''Why would I feel sympathy for Butterflyspirit?'' Eclipseshine narrowed her eyes. ''Did you give me this dream to forgive her?''

 ''Of course not!'' Bramblehiss spat. ''We wanted to test if you are weak or not. But you aren't. In fact, you wanted for that dream to be done so you didn't have to see your younger self becoming friends with Butterflyspirit.''

 Eclipseshine nodded, hissing as she heard her former friend's name. Why can't she just disappear?

 ''Will you tell us who you're planning to attack next?'' Thistlefang narrowed his eyes.

 ''Fine.'' The black-and-white she-cat rolled her eyes. ''It's Turtlenight.''


 ''Yes, Turtlenight. Are you deaf?''

 ''No, just surprised.'' Bramblehiss flicked his tail. ''Are you planning to leave your Clan without a medicine cat?'' He asked.

 ''Well, I'm sure ThunderClan will find a new one, so I just want to kill Turtlenight, wound Butterflyspirit a lot so she can die, since there would be no medicine cat to take care of her, and then my Clan can find a new one. This cat, who I considered as my friend, deserves to die. She called me a monster when I tried to help her.''

 ''Hmm..'' Thistlefang murmured. ''Are you sure that's what you want?''

 ''Yes.'' Eclipseshine purred. 

 ''You have to be careful, then.'' Bramblehiss growled. ''What if a cat catches you when you're trying to kill Turtlenight, or when you're attacking Butterflyspirit?'' He asked.

 ''They won't. I'll take both of them to a hidden place.''

 ''Oh, so you're talking about that place where you attacked Violetstream and Leopardeye, and then suddenly Butterflyspirit appeared?'' Thistlefang rolled his eyes.

 ''No.'' Eclipseshine smiled. ''Actually, while Turtlenight is out collecting herbs, I can just attack her. She often goes to places where warriors rarely go.''

 ''Your decision.'' Bramblehiss puffed. ''But you have to be careful.''

 ''Why?'' The she-cat asked. ''Won't you prepare me?''

 ''You know a lot of fighting moves.'' Thistlefang narrowed his eyes. ''That medicine cat won't have a chance in front of you.''

 ''True.'' Eclipseshine nodded, her tail flicking. But before anyone could say anything, she heard a distant, but loud yowl. She opened her eyes and found herself back in the warriors' den.

 Why is everyone interrupting me from my visit to the Dark Forest? She rolled her eyes and got to her paws, padding out to see what was going on.

 Violetstream was limping towards the medicine cat's den, with a thorn in one of her paws. Her sister, Leopardeye, padded close to her. Turtlenight hurried outside.

 ''What happened?'' The medicine cat asked. Eclipseshine felt satisfied as she watched the white she-cat padding towards Turtlenight with a limp paw.

 ''We were hunting.'' Leopardeye started to explain. ''My sister ran after a mouse, and she somehow slipped and fell in a bush. She got a thorn in her paw.''

 ''StarClan help you.'' Turtlenight sighed and padded forward, helping Violetstream over to her den. Leopardeye rolled her eyes and padded towards Russetmoon, Sweetpurr and Petalflight, who were looking at the scene from a corner of the camp.

 Eclipseshine hissed and padded out of the warriors' den. She sat and stared at the medicine cat's den. I don't think I should attack Turtlenight now, even if I want to. She probably won't really leave her den for now, so I have to be patient.


 The black-and-white she-cat turned as she heard her name, but growled as she noticed Butterflyspirit. ''What?''

 ''Do you want to go hunting, maybe talk about what happened.. when I called you a monster?'' Butterflyspirit whispered.

 ''No! I don't want to go hunting with you! I don't want to talk with you! I don't even want to see you!'' Eclipseshine spat and turned, rushing out of the camp. She hissed. She had enough of Butterflyspirit! But then, she remembered her plan. It won't be long from now.

 As soon as she got out of camp, she padded towards the RiverClan border. Yesterday, I met Doveflight, Lakesong and Watersong there, while I was trying to relax. I wonder which other stupid warrior will get angry at me.

 When she noticed the Sunningrocks, she sprinted towards them and sniffed the air. She couldn't scent any cats.

 The beautiful stones that marked the border with RiverClan were shining brightly, while small waves hit them before breaking apart. Eclipseshine sighed. She thought that the Sunningrocks were really peaceful, and they calmed her down.

 Hmm, I'm curious how RiverClan sees our territory.

 The black-and-white she-cat looked around, then jumped on the nearest rock, then on the other one, and so on until she got to the last rock. She jumped on RiverClan territory and turned around.

 Well, no big difference. That was stupid, I should go back before anyone-

 ''ThunderClan cat!''

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