Chapter 20

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 ''Are you sure you're ready for today?'' Bramblehiss asked.

 Eclipseshine rolled her eyes. ''Of course! Turtlenight's herbs are destroyed. I bet she will go and collect herbs, while Yarrowpaw-''

 ''We know.'' Thistlefang hissed and appeared from behind a tree. ''You told us. And, we heard you yesterday while you had that memory with you and Butterflyspirit.'' He hissed. 

 Eclipseshine stared at him, surprised. ''How did you know?''

 ''Secret.'' Bramblehiss smirked and got up. ''Anyways, it's not about us. It's about you. Are you ready to kill Turtlenight?''

 ''I was born ready.'' Eclipseshine purred.

 ''And when will you attack Butterflyspirit?'' Thistlefang raised an eyebrow. 

 Eclipseshine froze. I didn't think about that!

 ''Well, err, maybe..''

 ''You didn't think about that, did you?'' Bramblehiss rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed.

 ''No.'' Eclipseshine sighed.

 She was surprised to see Bramblehiss' amber eyes shine with anger. ''When you make a plan like this, you're supposed to think of every step before you start it!''

 ''I didn't know, you didn't tell me.'' Eclipseshine growled. 

 ''Well, are you mouse-brained or what? You should think.'' Bramblehiss spat.

 Eclipseshine got up, unsheathing her claws. ''Who are you to call me mouse-brained?''

 ''Your Dark Forest mentor. The cat who taught you to fight better.'' Bramblehiss purred. 

 Eclipseshine rolled her eyes and sat down.

 ''Let's not forget about me.'' Thistlefang hissed. His dark blue eyes were fixed on the ThunderClan she-cat. ''You're ready. It's time to wake up.''

 ''Wait, already? But I didn't even-''

 Before Eclipseshine could continue, everything went black. When she opened her eyes, she was back in the warriors' den. Well, great!

 She got up and stretched her paws. She looked around. Most of the warriors were awake. Only Gorsefoot, Softheart, Graylake and Juniperspirit were still asleep.

 ''Good morning!'' She heard a purr. She turned and saw Stonestorm padding in the warriors' den. The dark brown tom was heading towards Juniperspirit, his friend, and poked him with his paw. ''Wake up! Are you going to sleep until leaf-bare, or what?''

 ''Huh?'' Juniperspirit yawned and opened his eyes. He looked up and quickly got up. ''Oh, sorry. Why did you wake me up?''

 ''Barkclaw wants us to patrol near the RiverClan border. Come on.'' He turned and padded out of the den. 

 Juniperspirit followed, but then he stopped and looked at Eclipseshine. ''Do you want to join us?''

 ''No, thanks, I'm good.'' She meowed. She was so done with the Sunningrocks! Juniperspirit just nodded and rushed after Stonestorm.

 Eclipseshine stared after the two toms for a while, then padded out of the den and looked at the medicine cat's den. She noticed Turtlenight pad out of her den, and then she rushed out of camp. Perfect, I can follow her! But why did she rush out like that?

 Actually, it doesn't matter. The black-and-white she-cat quickly followed the medicine cat. The sky was clear, and the sun shone brightly in Eclipseshine's eyes, and she could hardly see. Well, at least I know that I'm following Turtlenight. It's obvious it's her, I can smell herbs coming from her fur.

 She continued to follow the medicine cat, and she didn't seem to stop. Are you going to stop or what?

 Then, Turtlenight stopped and flicked her ears. Eclipseshine froze and she realized she stepped on a twig and cracked it. She quickly hid in a bush. The medicine cat turned, looked around, then continued to walk. 

 Eclipseshine rolled her eyes and padded out of the bush, then followed the medicine cat again. Stupid sun! Why can't there be any clouds today?

 After what seemed like forever, Turtlenight stopped, crouched down, and started pulling a plant out of the earth with her fangs. Eclipseshine unsheathed her claws and hid next to a bush, satisfied.

 She started to creep towards the medicine cat. This is going to be easy! Then, she stopped, raised her nose, and sniffed the air. When she couldn't scent anybody except herself and Turtlenight, she continued.

 But the medicine cat seemed to smell her, because she turned her head, let out a short screech and got up to her paws, sprinting away. Eclipseshine quickly got up and followed. Weird, I thought Turtlenight had dark green eyes, not pale green eyes.. and why does she have stripes- ugh, never mind. I'm seeing things, since the sun is shining directly in my eyes.

 Turtlenight stopped, being cornered. She had a large nettle bush in front of her, and surely the medicine cat didn't want to get stung by nettles. She still didn't turn around. Eclipseshine quickly stopped in front of her.

 ''I'm so sorry you have to be in this, Turtlenight.'' Eclipseshine purred. ''Don't worry, even if you die, ThunderClan will still have a medicine cat. Either they will find a new one, or Yarrowpaw will become the next medicine cat, since I'm sure she learned some herbs from you.''

 When Turtlenight still didn't turn around, Eclipseshine rolled her eyes, unsheathed her claws again and rushed towards the medicine cat, ready to attack her.

 Then, finally, Turtlenight turned around. But it wasn't Turtlenight, ThunderClan's medicine cat. The cat who Eclipseshine followed the whole morning and now was sprinting towards with claws unsheathed was actually.. 


 Eclipseshine was surprised and tried to stop, but without realizing, she raised her claws and clawed Butterflyspirit's throat as hard as she could. The black-and-ginger tabby she-cat let out a yowl full of pain and collapsed.

 Eclipseshine just stood there, staring at her former friend, who struggled to breath. But.. how? I swear I was following Turtlenight! She was very shocked, and didn't know what to do.

 Bring her to the medicine cat, you fox-heart! Everything seemed to scream at her. Eclipseshine shook her head and quickly rushed at Butterflyspirit, carefully grabbed her scruff and hurried towards the camp.

 Many thoughts invaded her mind. What if Butterflyspirit won't live? No, what am I thinking? I don't want her to live. I wanted to attack her later, anyways.. but she was my best friend. Do I really want to hurt her? Do I really want this?

 Eclipseshine stopped. She thought about this yesterday, when she relived the memory, but she chose that she does want this. But now that she was actually doing this.. did she actually want this? To kill her medicine cat, and to wound her former friend? Butterflyspirit really regretted that she called me a monster, because she tried a lot to talk with me and apologize..

 The black-and-white she-cat shook her head and continued her way to the camp. I'm so stupid! I'm a mouse-brain, a fox-heart! I should've never attacked Violetstream and Leopardeye. I should've never wanted to kill Turtlenight. I should've never trained in the Dark Forest in the first place!

 She regretted everything. But she already attacked Butterflyspirit. Was her former friend going to forgive her for this?

 I bet not.. I mean, what kind of friend am I? She called me a monster because she was just very shocked. Then, I don't talk to her and break off our friendship. Then, I hurt her feelings. And now, I attack her, and guess what? I want to apologize after. I'm such a bad friend..

 When Eclipseshine almost reached the camp while holding Butterflyspirit's scruff, she had a plan in her mind. A good plan.

 She was going to apologize to Butterflyspirit, stop her training in the Dark Forest, and turn herself in. I'm really sorry, Butterflyspirit.. StarClan, please, let her live.

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