I Like You Game - Outsiders x Reader

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Word Count and Page Count – 3.9 pages · 1,435 words


"I'm bored," Garfield whined, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"We could play a game," you suggested, your eyes still glued to the screen as Total Drama played in the background.

"Oh! Let's play the 'I like you' game!" Cassie exclaimed, jumping up from the couch.

A chorus of "okay" and "sure, why not" echoed around the room as everyone gathered in a circle—Roy, Tim, Jaime, Garfield, Cassie, Virgil, and you.

"First round: Garfield and (Name). Sound good?" Cassie asked, earning nods from both of you. "You know the rules, right? Whoever blushes first loses."

Both Garfield and you nodded, and Cassie quickly pulled out her phone, ready to record.

"Begin!" she shouted.

Garfield leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You're so beautiful and smart, (Name), which is one of the many reasons why I like you," he murmured, his voice low and smooth.

You smirked, leaning in until your face was inches from his, close enough to feel his breath. "That's such a shame, Gar," you murmured, pouting slightly.

Garfield blinked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Because I don't like you," you teased, "I love you. Your stupid jokes, your stupid handsome face, and those eyes—oh my god, how beautiful are they? They remind me of the forest." You watched with satisfaction as Garfield's face turned a light shade of red, his composure faltering.

Falling back into your chair, you grinned at your friends. "Ha, I win! Who's next?"

"Uh, I did not see that coming," Cassie stammered, momentarily stunned. "Anyway, Tim, you're up!" She nudged Garfield out of his chair.

"I think that was unfair," Garfield pouted, crossing his arms as he sulked away to join the rest of the group.

"Whatever," Cassie rolled her eyes before turning to Tim and you. "Round two: Tim and (Name). My money's on (Name)."

Tim shot Cassie an offended look before leaning forward with a confident smirk. "This won't work on me. I was trained by Batman. Just give up, (Name)."

"Oh yeah?" you mused, standing up and walking toward him. "Bruce might have trained you, but he doesn't know the tricks my babysitter taught me." You leaned in close, your lips brushing his ear as you whispered, "You are such a smart boy, not to mention extremely handsome. I love you, Tim, and I wouldn't mind showing it." You felt his body tense beneath you as his face flushed, causing you to laugh as he gently pushed you off his lap.

"Okay, Jaime, you're next!" Cassie announced, practically shoving Jaime forward. "Round three: Jaime and (Name). We all know who's going to win, but let's go!"

Jaime glanced nervously at Tim and Garfield, who both nodded solemnly. "I don't feel like I can win," he admitted, "but I don't feel like losing either." He took a seat across from you, his confidence wavering.

"Don't worry, Reyes, I'll go easy on you," you smiled sweetly, batting your eyelashes. "You can start if you want," you offered, but Jaime shook his head. "Fine, but you should've gone first," you sighed, deciding to be a bit kinder to him. "Are your hands heavy?"

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