Crush - Impulse x Demigoddess! Reader

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The reader is close friends with Bart, unaware of his heroic identity. The narrative subtly suggests that the reader may be the daughter of Selina Kyle, but does not explicitly state that Selina is her biological mother. It is, however, confirmed that the reader is the daughter of a god.

Previous – Together - Conner Kent x Short & Kind-Hearted! Reader

Next – Boyfriend – El Dorado (Eduardo Jr.) x Batsis! Reader

Word Count and Page Count – 5.5 pages · 2,019 words


"Bart isn't he just so cute?!" You inquire causing Bart to roll his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes and see if you can find a brain back there,"

"Y/n, you can barely see him," Bart argues examining the photo on your phone.

"Allen, I was far away, and the zoom on the camera sucks. Plus, he's fucking fast, like faster than Kid Flash fast. And you know how fast KF is, I was extremely lucky to be able to get a photo of him before he ran away," You mutter putting your phone away. Bart stayed silent continuing to walk down the empty street. "The point is that the kid is cute," You stated causing Bart to scrunch his brows.

"How do you know he's a kid? For all we know he could be an adult man. Or a teenager." Bart argues.

"He's a kid, you can tell. He's a teenager with a slim physical build, with auburn or light brown hair, and light green eyes," You argued causing Bart to snort.

"Stalkerish, much?" He mused causing you to roll your eyes.

"Observive, there's a difference Allen," You counter causing Bart to smile, "Besides, that skill can help me for my future career," you explain a proud smile on your face.

"Is your future career being a stalker?" He mused.

"No, it's- I don't know, but the point is that I can use that skill to help me in any situation," You argue.

"And what situation is that, Kyle?"

"I don't know, but I will have the answer for that on Monday. Just wait and see," You hugged Bart before quickly rushing into your apartment. 

Bart shook his head lightly crossing the street and making his way towards his own house. 

Waiting for the elevator, you ponder on whether or not you should try to go on patrol or not. It has been quite a long time since you and your mother have had a girl's night out. Besides, it has been months since you have been in Gotham. Getting on the elevator, you press the tenth floor, texting Tim that you are okay. Getting out of the elevator quickly opening the door leaving your shoes outside. You scanned the entrance in search of your mother.

"Mom! I'm home!" You shouted making your way into the living room. "Mom?" You bellowed scanning the apartment. 

After looking around for a few minutes you concluded that she still wasn't back from her job, or she just started her work. Quickly showering and changing into more comfortable clothes, you decide to do your homework (reluctantly, but you still did it) though you did have to call Bart a few times because you didn't understand how to solve those stupid pre-Calc problems. Math wasn't your strongest suit, yet you somehow passed and got a place in advanced classes. 

An hour passed yet your mother had yet made her return. Deciding on ordering (favorite take-out food) and watching WandaVision you went through a rollercoaster of emotions before your phone started ringing an unknown number calling, and being an idiot, you decide to answer it.

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