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Word Count and Page Count – 1.9 pages · 749 words
(Y/n) bursting into the Batcave:
(Y/n): Stop whatever you are doing and help me I'm having a crisis!
Tim *finishing his AP Statistics Project and helping Harley propose to Ivy*: What happened to Hello? How are you?
(Y/n): Yes, yes hello dear siblings. Is that better?
Dick *training with Cass*: It could use some work but it's better than yesterday when you threw a knife at Jason
(Y/n): He was acting like an idiot, but I need your help
Cass *flipping Dick*: What's wrong?
(Y/n): Guys I think I have met the love of my life or my archenemy and I can't decide which one it is
Damian *glances away from his drawing questioning his sister's sanity*: That's your emergency?
(Y/n): Just listen, I was in my Chinese class and the kid who is at the TOP of our class - the red hair white boy, that's not to say that you can't be at the top of a Chinese class if you're a red hair, white boy but how is he doing it?
Jason *polishing his guns*: Why are you so surprised?
(Y/n): I said this with the utmost astonishment because there's a girl in our class who speaks Chinese from her family and she's only there to learn how to read and write a bit, but she does speak it almost fluently and I think he's better
Tim: Still doesn't explain your whole situation
(Y/n): I'm getting there Timmy if you could just wait a minute. Paciencia, nunca puedes esperar?
Damian: Just get to the point already, I'm already blessing you with my time
(Y/n): Fine, so we're going around the class introducing ourselves and talking about our interests, and after I almost presented a timeline of Batman and Catwoman's romance-
Stephanie: I'm sorry you what?
(Y/n): Listen that doesn't matter it's not relevant to the story, after the whole timeline I introduced myself, I talked about how I love languages, and then Miss. Jayden-
Dick: Wait Miss. Jayden is still teaching? I haven't seen her in a while now, maybe I should go pay her a visit I was always her favorite student-
Jason: I'm sorry you were her favorite student, please that's like saying you're the prettiest out of all of us. She adores me, even now we get together for our weekly book club
(Y/n): Can you both please stop talking about my teacher? I'm trying to tell a story here
Dick: Yeah, yeah, continue
(Y/n): Thanks, as I was saying, Miss. Jayden was like 'Oh he likes languages too. How many do you speak?' and I guessed, I didn't wanna count I was like 5. And she ask the kid 'how many do you speak?' and he was like 6. So, I counted it out and I'm like I speak 7 - well speak or learning - I have never met another language nerd. Does he think he can do it better than me? Does he think he can play the game better than me? He can, he is, but he won't be for long. This is the Hunger Games and there can only be one poly-lingual victor and it will be me. This either will end in a wedding ring or I will be on the news
Stephanie: Wedding or boxing ring, either way, it's a ring
Dick: Maybe this summer in Themyscira was not the best idea.
Tim: Do you even know the kid's name?
(Y/n): Oh, his name?
(Y/n): I do, I do it's just at the tip of my tongue.
(Y/n): I'm trying, just stop screaming!
(Y/n): ...
(Y/n): I got it his name is Bart Allen!
Everyone: ...
Jason *starts laughing like a maniac*:
Jason *rushing towards the JL's base*: God, I got to tell Bruce and Barry about this
Tim: Welp, this is gonna end up great
(Y/n): I don't appreciate your sarcasm, Timothy

Young Justice One Shots
FanfictionThis One Shoot is being rewriting, but not to worry I'm still taking request, though they will take longer than normally.