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Word Count and Page Count – 1.2 pages · 422 words


Jaime *doing an essay about the Constitution*: Hey guys, what's another word for stupid?

Tim: Foolish

Cassie: Dense

Bart: Idiotic


(Y/n): Bart

Kaldur: (Y/n) don't say that, please apologize 

(Y/n): Why should I?

Kaldur: Because what you said was uncalled for

Garfield: Doesn't make it less true

(Y/n) * high five Garfield*: See he gets it

Damian: Truly both of them only share one brain cell and it's not there for most of the time

Kaldur: (Y/n) apologize or else

(Y/n) *mocking Kaldur*: Or else what? Are you gonna call my mom? Well, guess what she's dead!

Kaldur *feed up with (Y/n) and her bullshit*: No, or else I'll call Diana

Jason *gasp*: He just went there

(Y/n): You wouldn't dare!

Kaldur: Tried me

Donna *knowing that Kaldur isn't joking*: (Y/n) just apologize

(Y/n): Fine

(Y/n) *turning to face Wally*: Unfuck you or whatever

(Y/n): There you happy?!

Kaldur: Why are you apologizing to Wally? Bart was the one you insult

(Y/n) *sighs*: You wanted me to apologize you never said to who

Kaldur *knowing that this would happen*: It doesn't matter Diana is already here either way

Eduardo *whispering to Terra*: Is it me or does Kaldur have something against (Y/n)?

Virgil *whispering to Eduardo, munching on some chips*: That's because (Y/n) almost kill him last mission and she keeps pranking him for a whole month

Diana *screaming from the living room*: (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)! I may have not brought you to this world but I did bring you to this team and I'll take you out of it!

(Y/n): That's my cue

Barbara: How are you gonna escape? There's only a window here- Don't do what I think you'll do

(Y/n): I'll do it. Zeus and Apollo, please protect me.

(Y/n) *jumps out of the window*:

Donna *looking down searching for (Y/n):

(Y/n) *lands perfectly and starts running away*:

(Y/n): Haha I win

Diana *bursts into the room*: Where is she?!

Cassie: She jump out the window

Diana: Oh okay, she jump out of... WHAT?! SHE JUMP OF THE WINDOW?

Bart: Yeah, and she landed perfectly before running away

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