Request: Yes
"Dick Grayson x baby sister reader It's not incest btw just platonic wholesome stuff Age: 11 Pronouns: she/her and dick makes her meet YJ,"
Previous – Stupid
Next – New Member – Original Team x Reader
Word Count and Page Count – 2.3 pages · 802 words
Mt. Justice, February 24, 1:00 pm.
"Ready? And remember no names," Dick reminded you yet again.
"Yeah, I know this is the fifth time you remind me. Robin, I'm not a child,"
"You are a child. You are only 11 years old, making me an adult so,"
"You're just 13 years old, two years old difference. So, no you're not an adult, not yet anyway,"
"Just behave and don't do anything I wouldn't do, or would do,"
"So, just be me?"
"Yeah, do that,"
"So, where is everyone?" You wonder glancing around the cave.
"I have no idea, maybe they are in the lounge?" Dick replies dragging you along toward the lounge.
As soon as you enter the lounge you notice a familiar red-haired boy, quickly running over to him.
"Y - Mockingjay?" Wally quickly corrected himself as soon as he realized his mistake. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't want you here, it's just I'm surprised Batman and Rob allow you to come here,"
"It took me a while to get Robin to agree to this, I had to make a PowerPoint presentation and after that failure, I went to Agent A and started crying after that Robin had no choice but to bring me here,"
"Did you cry?"
"Yeah, she did. Agent A gave B and me a whole lecture for about an hour because and I quote 'she deserves to meet others,' like she doesn't befriend every person she interacts with," Robin spoke as you started examining the kids on the lounge.
A girl with olive skin, long thick blonde hair, and grey eyes caught your attention she was gorgeous. Her beautiful long hair was kept in a ponytail, and you quickly recognize her from the photo Dick had shown you before.
"You must be Artemis, my name's Mockingjay. Robin's younger sister," You introduced yourself to the girl she examined you. You could tell she was confused though she hid it well. "Yeah, Rob has a younger sister and after months of begging I was finally allowed to meet you guys,"
"Hi?" Artemis didn't know how to react to all of this.
"Oh, you are so adorable, my name's M'gann," M'gann welcomed you flying over with some brownies, you took one brownie.
"Hi M'gann, it's a pleasure, and thank you I know I am adorable that's how I make Robin and Bats give me everything I want," You smile kindly, taking a bit out of the brownie.
"You shouldn't be saying that little birdie," Wally commented.
"Shush, Speedy. Y'know, I hate that nickname," You glare at Wally.
"And you know that I am not Speedy,"
"Well, what are you going to do about it?"
"Just wait and see–"
"I would have never thought you would pick a fight with a child, Wally," Kaldur joked glancing over to the speedster and the young girl.
"Oh, you should see when he comes over, he is such a bully I don't understand how people like a bully," You mention hiding behind Kaldur. "It's nice to meet you Kaldur, Rob was right about you,"
"I am not a bully; besides we fight constantly Kal.You shouldn't worry about (nickname),"
"And you were worried about me using our real identity when you should have been worried about the mouth," You glared at Robin who hit Wally.
"I'm sorry, stop hitting me," Wally apologized running away from Robin. Ignoring your older brother fighting with Wally you step away from behind Kaldur.
"So can anyone learn how to use Atlantean Magic, or do you have to be Atlantean?" You wonder.
"No anyone can learn it you just need someone to teach you,"
"So hypnotically I can learn how to use Atlantean Magic?"
"Yeah, you could,"
"That's good to know," You smile, Kaldur doesn't know why but he feels a chill run down his spine. Before you could ask any more questions you hear a ding from your phone quickly reading the text you turn it over to your brother. "Rob, let's go Agent A wants us back the Commissioner and his daughter are coming over for dinner,"
"That's today? I thought it was tomorrow,"
"No, it's today, come on we can't be late, remember last time?"
"Yeah, we have to hurry,"
"Bye guys it was nice meeting you guys!" You exclaim running towards the Zeta-Tube leaving behind a group of confused sidekicks who had a bunch of questions left unanswered.

Young Justice One Shots
FanficThis One Shoot is being rewriting, but not to worry I'm still taking request, though they will take longer than normally.