Chapter 29: Miss her

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••••••• Xavier's POV•••••••

After agreeing to Megan's next actual meet we ended up hanging out at Drew's house. We were all in his basement, walls covered with Game posters and CDs all over the place, and in the corner a treadmill odd how everything in here explained Drew.

Drew insisted on watching a horror movie while Megan constantly decided to bring up Scarlet. As for me I was on no ones side.

" Just saying we all can get scared to death and like first one to pee their pants loses. It's a clear bet." Drew kept trying to bring in the idea of a bet for the horror movie.

" That's so childish and I would win actually but still the topic at hand is Scarlet. Right Xavier?" Megan looks toward me with a pleading look.

" Guys whatever you choose I don't care just for now Megan please stop mentioning Scarlet." I kept looking at the laptop screen I wasn't willing to turn around and face them both. Megan and Drew were sitting on the green sofa. While I sat on the black beanbag with My laptop on my lap.

"C'mon Xavier just admit you miss her and I'll stop." Megan came over and game me a slight shove. I glared at her hating this conversation.

" Xavier just admit it and then we can watch a sick ass horror movie." Drew came over as well. Now they were both on my shoulders.

" Ok I kinda sorta... miss Scarlet.... a lot." I kept staring at the screen wondering if Scarlet felt the same way but then again she has Adam.

" Okay there see Megan. You got your answer now let's watch a movie. MOOOOVVVVIEEEE." Megan punched Drew on the shoulder.

"Ow. Shit Megan you hit hard.Anyways for reals just leave the poor guy alone. He heart broken."

Very true Drew very true. Drew hoped on back to the sofa flipping through channels to find a good movie. Megan still at my shoulder was messing with my hair. Talk about annoying.

" Look Megan I get you want to know what happen and you probably enjoy this love crap but I don't. I'm closed off and I don't like talking." I glared at Megan I really wasn't in the mood.

She pretended to wince under the glare but it only made it worse. Honestly this is a load of crap I don't even know why I came. Guess I was being to nice.

I picked myself up from the beam bag and put my computer on the coffee table and sat next to Drew. He was right a movie sounds better than talking.

" Alright alright but if you consider talking about it I'm here for you."

I rolled my eyes. " ya I'm gonna tell a total stranger my love life."
At this Drew snorted it's the truth no chick needs to know my love life when I barely even know her.

" Megan if the man doesn't want to talk then he doesn't want to talk."

" But I'm just saying---."

Drew cut her off by saying " Megan we know you're talking and we want you to shut up to watch a movie."

" Alright alright but before I do Xavier you should consider talking to Scarlet atleast to tell her you miss her or that you're happy for her." Megan sat in between me and Drew.

" Finally movie time." Drew sighed in relief.


Where is He???
••••••• Scarlet POV•••••••••

It's been a weird time not that dating Adam is weird just having Adam and not having Xavier it's like a missing piece. Lately Xavier has been out of sight but not out of mind. Today Adam was walking me to the library and I couldn't help but think about how many times I hanged out with Xavier.

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