Chapter 22

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••••••••• Scarlet Jones •••••••••

I couldn't help but lay awake all night thinking about what Adam said.

He called me "sister" most of the time and often mentioned Emma his ex girlfriend and now best friend.

The reason they weren't together is because Emma wanted to focus on school and not on boys. Smart girl.

She was one of the teachers pets even when she did nothing sometimes she wasn't even paying attention and the teachers still loved her. I got in the same class as her this year making it hard to realize if Adam was looking at me or her when we passed his class.

All day Adam kept talking about how beautiful she is and how she hasn't been able to talk to his other ' best friend' Alexis.

Alexis has been one of my friends for 3yrs now and the fact Adam calls her his best friend is ridiculous since they've only been friends for a year or so now.

When me and Alexis talk it's usually about boy problems her Drama when I talk it's same boys. She knows I've like Adam for a long time. We both know I'm just setting high expectations for something so low.

Adam has liked several girls and asked many out. He's even asked out Alexis she of course declined. Adam has told me about several crushes and past loves. And while that happened it silently killed me inside.

Past times I've told him I've liked him and sometimes he would say "I love you too" but it's never true it's friend feelings. Feelings that stay like that. A few early times he would ask me out I said no reason is because I would seem stupid because everyone knows Adam never has a stable Love life.

He flirts a lot causing fake feelings to appear. He's a master of words and can cause a spell on any girl.

I guess when he put the spell on me he hardly realized who he was hurting.

I laid awake Turing and rolling thinking about what to do with my situation. I was friends with a guy I secretly loved. Most of my good friends knew and some guessed it. I tried to get over Adam but it's not easy. Sometimes the feelings would leave and I would feel relived. Other times they would be hanging back in my head until I saw him smile.

Tomorrow was school and I was gonna have to deal with Being friends with Emma and Adam and pretend it didn't affect me in any way.

The thing I didn't understand was how Adam always flirted with me on simple occasions. Sometimes with a few smiles other times with his words.

I remember the dance I was waiting for someone to dance with. The guy I was hoping for was busy with setting things up so I was alone. I tried hanging out with friends but it didn't work out. Instead I was eating several juices and trying to be calm. Because of all the juice and earlier meal I felt sick I went to the bathroom several times almost throwing up. No luck in happening. Instead of just sitting alone like a loner Adam came next to me and took care of me. It was sweet and I didn't think much about it at the time but now

I'm starting to recall all the times he was there for me or when we simply shared a moment together.

Sometimes I could feel the tension and compassion in our moments together.

Sometimes I would think that he would have some feelings for me.

Sometimes I thought that if I just kept hoping some day he would notice me.

It was all rare hope I had.

Hope that just appeared when my heart was in love and my brain almost thought it was possible as well.

When my brain and my heart would try to think of ways for it to work that meant I would really be stuck in the mud.

Mud of stupid love and dumb hope.


The start of my day was stressful. It started with My parents yelling at me for bad preparation. Whenever I take to long for something or if I simply just don't do what I was asked at first time than everything falls on me.

Siblings are a pain as well as cousins and family itself. Sometimes I feel like my mom hates me because she never listens. If my step father says I'm a bad

Kid she will listen to him not me her flesh and blood no a dirty lying jerk that she married.

The morning wasn't as bad for breakfast oatmeal again yum. (sarcasm)

Getting to school late getting lost with other classes trying to find my teacher etc. School it self was a complicated map.

My class wasn't so bad most were same students. Others were a few were from different classes.

My first classes were fast passing so that didn't take long. Lunch was the real difficulty with everyone trying to sit with their friends.

I ended up sitting alone at a table drinking my water and staring at disgust at what school cafeteria food was like. I was about to get up and leave to the library when Emma, Nathan and Adam came to sit with me.

Nathan brought his usual vegetarian food and Adam got a cheeseburger and Emma a salad as well as mine. I couldn't help but notice Emma and Adam staring t each other. Smiles and smiles. I was gonna barf in disgust. I simply tried to play with the fork I had and ignore their convos.

I kept staring at the clock hoping Time could fast forward on this.

" So Scarlet was your crush in your class" Adam tapped my tray.

I looked up staring at Nathan. He looked like he was ready to burst out laughing knowing that Adam was my crush.

" No actually I think he's not but I've seen him around" I really wanted to slap myself for starting these lies.

"So Emma Are you coming to the movies with us" I tried to make a convo leading to Emma to make Adam focus on her instead of me .

" Actually I can't anymore my parents have gone stricter." she looked down sadden by the fact she wouldn't be able to hang out with us.

Is it bad that I wanted to cheer at her not being with us?

" Oh that's so sad well we can move it to another date" Adam shut up now!!

" Actually I can't I'm working on most days so I can only go this Time." I shot a 'thank you' look at Nathan he always had my back.

" Okay than so no Emma just us alright" I tried to sound a bit sorry for Emma but I couldn't no Emma means a chance for me and Adam.

I know being in the Friendzone for so long is bad but I'm in love with the guy sorry.


Yes ladies Friendzone is a pain we all can learn some day about it.

Anyways I'm trying to post more so please keep in touch tell me what you think

I'm open to opinions




And smile


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