Chapter 28: What to do now?

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Xavier's POV
Been sometime that I havent spoke to Scarlet everyday she passes me at school. I want to talk to her and I try but there's no use. She's always busy or simply just always with Adam. Seems like I need to leave her alone for her to be happy with him. But i can't she's simply too amazing to forget.

" Dude stop thinking about her."
Drew was at my house he was gonna help me study and possibly get cheered up. He was a good friend with this. He had somewhat experince with girls and was quiet the honest advice giving guy.
" I can't Scarlet left a huge ass hole in my heart" I kept pacing around the room trying to calm down.
" Then fill the heart up with beer or like frosting, Its temporary food filling but still better than anything."
Well thats Drew for you always putting some food comparison. Oddly he still tries to maintain a fair junk food and healthy food balance.

" Dude it's not that simple. Scarlet is just dude she's soooo.... stuck in my head."
I stopped pacing and sat at the end of the bed. Head down and arms up. Yep I was doing it I was in the position.
Heartbreak and chest full of hurt.
" Dude stop that, what you need is to go to a party get drunk off your ass and get laid. Simple. Not the best remedy but just for show. It's only to rub it in fucking Adam's face that you're strong and can get any girl."
" Drew.." I glared at him the last thing I want is to go get drunk at party where I might see Jasmine and her slut squad.
" It's for show that's it and the party won't even won't be in town. It's my cousins birthday bash and he's turning 23 it's gonna be at his house down by the bay."
I rubbed my temples do I really need to show up for some stupid party just cause to be Drew's wingman.
" Dude I just I really don't know if I should and even if I did who would I invite?"
Drew took out his phone and look through his contacts trying to show all the babes he's met. I really couldn't do this. Especially with Scarlet being on my mind 24/7.
" Dude we have to do something you can't just be stuck inside all day. you need to get up and hook up."
I shook my head I really wasn't in the mood. I pushed Drew out the door and laid under the covers trying to sleep.

*Moments later*

Just when I was about to sleep Drew bursts through the door grabs me by my ankles and drags out of my bed and forces me to put on my shoes so we can go meet the guys at the pizza parlor.
I put on dark v neck shirt and put on my black vans. I really wasn't in the mood but I guess I couldn't do anything if Drew called the guys to hang out with.

We headed to the parlor blocks away. We were lucky my house wasn't that far from the pizza parlor. Maybe a huge Hawaiian pizza was exactly what I needed. As we entered all the guys were huddled up chanting and yelling the place was pretty filled with the rest of the jocks. Usually we hang out after games to times like this were rare especially since it's been a while.
The walls were filled with posters and banners on the hard wood walls the wallpaper was crusty green. The place was a bit run down but still pretty great hang out mostly since Mountains mike is a fave from most people here.
Drew forced me to sit in a row of the back tables. He ordered a huge pizza half meat lovers half Hawaiian. He wouldn't leave my side saying I was trouble which was true the min he got up was the min I would sprint out the door.
Drew was trying to call up some babes for me which was pointless since all the ones he called were sluts or just plain to usual girls.
He finally called someone by the name of Megan.
"Alrighty Xavier you can't screw this up. Megan is a total babe blonde funny and an athlete she's a surfer and a total tom boy she plays hard to get so that can probably be fun to play with. Promise me you won't screw this up."
He looked down at me since he was standing I couldn't take him serious I really wasn't gonna do this and no matter how great this 'Megan' might be she won't be anything compared to Scarlet.
Drew ran to the door and opened as soon as some blonde with a brown shirt and Khaki shorts came by. She say down at our table Drew made her sit in the middle of the U shaped table he was at the right corner I was at the left.
Megan sat down and kept smiling and staring at me a little creepy since her eyes were like bulging out of her face. She was okay she was no Scarlet but I guess Drew was trying.
" Hey Xavier "
I turned to her and flashed a smirk.
Drew asked Megan to scoot next to him to tell her something. Whatever it was he whispered it in his ear clear shot so I wouldn't hear. Great way to start with secrets.
Drew got up smiled an said " good luck you two."
Just as soon as he was out of sight I got up and left some money for the waitress and was out the door leaving Megan inside alone.
As I was heading to my house which was in perfect waking distance I decide I would take as much time to think.
And just as I had some ideas on texting Scarlet Megan shows up behind me.
" Ummm hey.... you sorta... kinda left me back there." Megan was skipping beside me always a step ahead.
" Ya I don't feel like talking or even staying so do you.... uh mind?"
Megan look at the street and all the cars passing. I wasn't trying to be rude I was just not in the mood.
" Drew said you would be like this but it's alright he said you were playing around and to follow you."
Fucking Drew. How old is she anyways? 15? 16? Heck I'm 17.
" Well Drew is wrong. I don't need you following so do me a favor and get the hell out of my sight. "
Megan stared at the floor not stopping she just kept waking. At least she was quiet.
She kept stopping behind me to throw rocks at the distance. Throwing and picking. This was seriously getting annoying.
She tripped on the crack of the side walk an fell on her face.
I was trying to hard to resist laughing. Just as I was gonna leave her there I look back and see her sitting there depressed. Great now I feel bad.
I walk over her staring at her dirty blonde hair. She looked to the side of the road and wouldn't make eye contact. She just seemed to disappear In her own mind. I was getting lazy in waiting for her to stand up or say something.

Just as soon as I was gonna turn around and run she speaks up.

" Why are you so stone hard?"

I looked at her straight in the eyes. "what's that suppose to mean?"

She stands up messes her hair a bit and starts walking with me a few step back.

" I mean what happen with Scarlet that caused you to be so closed off."

" Well it's Scarlet I just..... I don't know I guess I fell hard for her and well she doesn't know or at least.... I think she knows she just.....she's with Adam and
I don't know I just miss her.... a lot."

We keep walking in a steady pace few blocks until we reach my house.

" Well maybe if you let me in your mind a little maybe I could.... help you."

She looked at the ground still walking she seemed to be no harm.. just a random girl anyways so.

"Like you know maybe some other day tell Drew and we could like meet up I guess when you're in a better mood."

" Sure I guess."

She stops walking she looks up smiles. Side dimple. Cool.

" So next time?"

" Ya sure why not." I grin and try and be somewhat nice. She turns around and runs away. I'm confused on just what happened but whatever it is I think I just made a friend.

Not a girlfriend. A friend. A normal friend. Because no one can replace Scarlet.


Hey guys sorry it's been a while
I've been meaning to update
Here's a new chapter
Not my best and some interferences and well hope Megan and Xavier something might happen......

Anyways keep reading
I'll update
And smile :)

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