Author's Note: Please Read

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I thought this idea up while rewatching Young Justice from the very beginning. In this, Reese and Roy (Will) have a brother-sister bond that I am super excited to delve into, and Red Arrow, Speedy, whoever you want to call him, despite being hot-headed, is very protective of the girl he sees as his sister, especially when it comes to her interacting with any potential love interests

(I'm looking at you, Dick Grayson.)

This will also encompass the entire series, from the first season, Invasion, Outsiders, Phantoms, etc. I honestly don't know how long it's going to be, considering we don't know how many seasons of YJ there's going to be.

I realize I may be rambling a bit, but I just want to encompass everything before we get started.

Also, please, please, PLEASE don't steal Reese or her identity as Silverbird and pass her off as your own character. I thought up Reese, her powers, and her backstory all on my own, and I would appreciate it if you wanted to use her in any way, that you message me beforehand.

I am very connected to my characters, and I love them with my whole heart, and I'd appreciate it if everyone is respectful to me about them.

Thank you,

(P.S--The cover of this is favorite ever.)

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