o11: Terrors

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September 14, 16:53 CDT

If there was one thing that Reese hated more than lying to her friends and teammates about the potential mole within their team, it was dying her hair bleach-blonde. But, that was what the mission required, so she had to suck it up.

What mission, you ask? Well, as of about right now, Reese was standing in a warehouse with a similarly disguised M'gann and newly-named Conner, aka Superboy, in New Orleans.

The Terror Triplets, Tommy, Tuppence, and Tamara Terror, were set to be sent to Belle Reve, a prison specially designed to hold meta-humans. Only, instead of them being sent there, it was going to be Reese, M'gann, and Conner.

As the three sibling criminals lay dazed on the floor of the storage workhouse, Aqualad and Red Tornado stepped out of their hiding places, snapping inhibitor collars around the triplets' necks, negating their super strength.

"Hey!" Tommy Terror exclaimed as Kaldur put the collar on before he and his two sisters tried to escape, to no avail. "That don't feel right,"

"Our strength," breathed out the smallest Terror, Tamara, hence why Reese was going undercover as her. "What happened to it?"

"We just done gone toe-to-toe with Superman!" Tommy exclaimed.

"Congratulations," the disguised Conner called out as he, M'gann, and Reese stepped out of their own hiding places, escorted by Batman. "That's more quality time than he's ever given me,"

To say that Tommy and Tamara looked shocked to see two doubles of themselves would be an understatement. But, the two got even more freaked out when Miss Martian walked towards Tuppence, setting a single hand on her shoulder.

"Got your inspiration?" Conner called out, and Reese found herself smirking.

"Sister Tuppence?" she added, and M'gann spun around for a second before she turned herself into Tuppence Terror.

"I believe I do, Brother Tommy and Sister Tamara," the martian answered, as Tommy Terror started to have a sort of mental breakdown.

"Somebody tell me what's goin' on?" he exclaimed, and this time, Batman was the one who answered.

"It's simple," the Dark Knight began as he snapped inhibitor collars around the necks of 'Tommy, Tuppence, and Tamara Terror'. "They're under arrest."

B E L L E  R E V E   P A R I S H
September 16, 21:55 CDT

Within the armored truck that was bringing the three undercover heroes to Belle Reve, Reese, who was sitting on M'gann's right side, while Conner sat to her left, noticed that they were not alone on the prisoner transport.

Icicle Jr., of all people, sat across from the three on the other bench, and on the far end of the truck, Mr. Freeze sat in a subzero chamber that kept his temperature stable.

Close to the door that led into the cab of the truck, a prison guard holding a shotgun kept a watchful eye over the prisoners he was transporting.

Around each prisoner's wrists were a pair of specialized handcuffs, and when Reese shifted her hands to see if there was a way for her to get her hands free, she noticed the guard's eyes narrowed in a challenge, and she decided it'd probably be better if she didn't try.

No point in jeopardizing the mission before they were even inside.

When Reese turned back around, it was to find Icicle Jr. confronting "Tommy Terror", aka Conner, about...something.

"Dude," the white-haired teen said quietly after studying M'gann for a moment, and when Conner didn't react, repeated himself. "Dude! Your sister is sweet," Reese gagged, and she and M'gann exchanged a look as Jr. continued. "How about you put in a good word for me?"

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