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M O U N T  J U S T I C E
November 22, 09:50 EST

To say that Reese was thoroughly creeped out would be a gross understatement.

Just to be clear, Reese knew that she had seen a lot of weird things. But, seeing Dinah Lance, her adoptive father's girlfriend, kissing Superboy through the cave's security feed by far was up there as one of the weirdest.

Of course, Reese now knew it was Miss Martian, shape-shifted from her usual form to look like Black Canary, in some kind of weird Martian game that J'onn hadn't really explained, but still...it was weird.

Oliver had found it undeniably hilarious once he had realized that his romantic relationship wasn't at risk, though why he found that funny, Reese had no idea. Her dad was an odd person.

So now, as Dinah went to talk to M'gann about how shape-shifting into other people and still kissing your boyfriend as that person probably wasn't the best idea, Reese went to the cave's common room, where she found Dick and Wally sitting at the kitchen island, while Conner was sitting on the couch, the TV turned to static, as always.

All three were dressed in civvies, or as close to civvies as Superboy could get since he never seemed to change his clothes, while Robin wore his ever-present dark shades.

Dick was the first one to notice Reese when he walked in, and she must have had some sort of weird expression on her face as she still tried to process the whole 'Martian shape-shifting game' thing because his eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he walked up to her.

"You okay, pretty bird?" he asked softly, and Reese quickly shook her head, ridding herself of the oddball thoughts she'd been having for the last eight minutes, and met Robin's eyes. Well, his sunglasses.

"I'm fine," she answered after a moment, this time actually meaning it. Over Dick's shoulder, Wally sent the brunette a look, and Reese narrowed her eyes at him.

For the last almost two weeks, after Reese had opened up about her feelings for Dick to Wally after they had saved Queen Perdita, the speedster had been pestering the younger girl to tell the Boy Wonder how she really felt, but there was no way Reese was going to do that.

Regardless of whether or not Dick liked someone else, he was still Reese's friend, and she was okay with him being her 'just a friend' and her partner while they were superheroes, but anything more than that...she just didn't want to risk it.

Realizing that, once more, Reese wasn't going to tell Robin how she felt, Wally slammed his head against the kitchen counter, hitting his forehead against the granite surface with a loud 'thud', making both Conner and Dick turn around to look at him, identical looks of bemusement on their faces.

"What's your deal?" Robin asked as he and Reese walked back over to Wally, the brunette fiddling with the string's of her hoodie as she sat down beside Dick, across from Wally as the redhead brought his head up again, an impressive red mark already marring his forehead.

"Nothing," the speedster said simply, and Reese was grateful for the fact that it seemed as if Wally hadn't told Dick about her feelings either.

It wasn't often that Kid Flash was able to keep a secret, but every once in a while, he managed, and Reese was thankful for that.

"Why are you here so early?" Dick asked, turning to Reese as he tilted his head. "It's, like, six a.m. in Star City, wouldn't you still be asleep?"

"Yeah," Reese agreed, giving a small nod. "On a normal day. But, today is anything but normal,"

"What happened?" Wally asked, and Reese spared a glance at Conner, who looked as if he were trying hard not to listen. 

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