oo1: Independence Day

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July 4, 09:01 PDT

Reese, now twelve years old, perched on top of one of the bridge's support beams with Speedy and Green Arrow.

In the three years that it had been since Dick and Roy had found her on the streets of Star City, Reese had, reluctantly, mind you, allowed Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, the civilian identities of Arrow and Black Canary, to train her, in self-defense, archery, and controlling her own Canary Cry, which seemed to be, admittedly, stronger than Dinah's own.

Eventually, Reese became Green Arrow's and Black Canary's joint protégée, Silverbird, since she shared and used skills similar to both of them.

Her "uniform", as Batman liked to call it, consisted of a leather jacket and tight leather pants, with boots that covered her shins, and a pair of leather-like gloves. The bottom half of the jacket and sleeves, along with the pants were black, while the top half of the jacket was metallic silver in color, and so were some of the seams on her pants. Instead of a zipper on the jacket, it was instead like corset laces, and the forearm sleeves were the same way. Reese's hood in the same ombre effect as the rest of her outfit. Her hair, with its metallic silver streak weaving through, was styled in a thick fishtail side braid, hanging over her right shoulder. Across her eyes was a silver domino mask.

Roy, despite his prior grievances after she ran from him at the festival, became like an older brother to her, and Reese was one of the only people who could manage to calm the redhead down enough whenever he got into one of his "moods".

But, back to the matter at hand.

Seriously? Reese thought, enhanced eyes zooming in on the villain that was currently freezing the bridge, causing cars to crash and go all kitty-wumpus. Why does Icicle Junior decide he wants to attack today of all days?

Standing up, Silverbird, Speedy, and Green Arrow nocked their bows, before shooting an entire volley of arrows towards the teenage villain, one of them even catching his shoulder.

After a moment or two, the arrows exploded, taking Junior's ice-wall down and throwing him backward.

"Finally," Silverbird heard him mutter. Super-hearing had its advantages. "I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here,"

"Junior's doing this for attention?" Roy echoed as he, Ollie, and Reese shot more arrows in order to block the icicles that Junior suddenly sent their way.

When it became clear that they weren't going to be able to stop every icicle blast, the three archers scrammed, running across the top of the bridge to the cable that connected the two sections together.

"He is so going to make us late," Reese muttered as she practically skated down the wide cable. Despite the perilous situation they were in, Roy smirked at his adoptive sister.

"You just want to see your boyfriend,"

"He is not my boyfriend!" Silverbird retorted sharply, shooting an arrow towards Junior without even looking. "Why does everyone keep thinking we're dating?"

In order to dodge her black-and-silver arrow that was flying towards his face, Junior made two separate ice-stalagmites appear out of the ground, bringing them together just as Reese's arrow and one of Roy's landed in the ice, making it explode again.

There was now a good-sized hole in the ice wall, and to say Icicle Junior was mad would be an understatement.

He shot more icicles towards the archers, mainly Reese, but Silverbird leaped into the air in a frontflip taught to her by Robin, nocking another arrow and shooting it towards Junior.

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