o23: Insecurity

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G O T H A M  C I T Y
December 1, 18:25 EST

If he did say so himself, Dick prided himself as being something of an amateur inventor. 

The x-ray goggles he'd used at the docks a week ago to look for the stolen WayneTech crates was just one of the various little gadgets he'd created over the years. Of course, that little excursion with the x-ray goggles had ended with him and Reese almost being blown to bits, but really, that was just a small, small technicality.

At the moment though, the now fourteen-year-old Boy Wonder was down underneath Wayne Manor in the Batcave, digging through a chest of spare and disassembled gadgets, trying to find a particular part for the invention he was currently working on when he heard the Batcave's zeta tube turn on.

Recognized Silverbird B-0-3

Dick stood up so fast, he hit the back of his head against the top of the chest holding the spare parts, and he winced, rubbing the now-sore spot as he set the screwdriver down onto the table he had been using as a flat surface before turning around.

Honestly, he and Reese had only been officially together for a week, but it was, by far, the best week of Dick's life.

They also hadn't told anyone they were together yet. Well, no one on the Team. Bruce knew, because of course, he did, he was Batman, for Pete's sake. And Oliver knew because God forbid Dick date the Star City billionaire's daughter without telling her father.

But, in terms of their teammates, no one knew, not even Wally. And honestly, Dick wasn't even entirely sure why he and Reese hadn't told their friends yet. Maybe it was because it was nice, just keeping it to themselves for a while.

It wasn't like the rest of the Team would never get told but at the moment, and because Reese didn't hide her identity among the rest of the Team as Dick did, the two of them still had to figure out if Silverbird would be dating Robin or Dick Grayson.

But, that was a problem for Future Dick to figure out with his girlfriend. 


Present Dick, on the other hand, had currently gone speechless when he saw Reese standing at the entrance to his workstation, a small smile on her face as she saw him leaning against the worktable he had been using a few minutes ago, still rubbing his head.

"Did I scare you?" she asked, but Dick shook his head, though whether or not Reese really believed him, he wasn't entirely sure.

What had surprised Dick so much--aside from the fact that even though he knew that Reese was coming to his party, he'd thought she'd use the front door--was that his girlfriend was wearing a dress.

Reese never wore dresses, at least, not usually, so that was why Dick was so surprised when he saw her standing in front of him wearing a dress. It wasn't anything too fancy, because there was no way that Reese would ever end up wearing a ballgown to anything that wasn't a charity function of some sort. 

But, what she was wearing was basically a long, ocean-colored sweater, a black belt around her waist, white tights, and black, knee-high boots with a heel that almost made them the same height. 

Almost, but not quite, because Dick was still taller.

As always, the arrowhead from Kent Nelson hung around her neck in full view, the shimmery gold a stark contrast to the rest of her outfit. 

Reese's hair was also curly, per usual, and it hung around her shoulders, though a few strands fell in front of her eyes, and Dick found himself wanting to brush them out of the way.

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