o26: Auld Acquaintance

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M O U N T  J U S T I C E
December 31, 03:00 EST

Because she was homeschooled, and aside from Roy, Dick, Wally, and Kaldur, Reese had never really had the chance to have a group of friends she was able to hang out with on a regular basis.

And because all of her friends were boys until the Team was formed, the thirteen-year-old archer had also never experienced a "sleepover" before.

Until now, that is.

Last night, after the Team had returned from Santa Prisca more or less victorious, M'gann had suggested the idea, and Zatanna, Raquel, and Wally were quick to agree with her. Artemis, Kaldur, and Dick had been a bit dubious, but they both eventually agreed that it was a good way to celebrate their win.

Both surprisingly and no, Reese and Conner were the only ones on the Team who didn't really know what a sleepover was.

Reese wasn't impressed.

Sure, it was nice to spend time with the girls apart from the boys, but again, since Reese hadn't ever had any girl friends before the Fourth of July, she wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do.

As of right now, the brunette was exhausted, both mentally and physically from both the events of the day before and from the sleepover itself, and was currently dozing inside M'gann's bedroom in Mount Justice where she, the Martian, Zatanna, Raquel, and Artemis were all gathered, as the other four babbled on to each other about one thing or another.

Suddenly, Reese felt someone jab her in the ribs, and purely on reflex, the brunette swung out with one hand, barely missing punching Artemis across the face, and instead, her fist hit one of M'gann's pillows, leaving an indent in the fabric that disappeared a moment later.

"Geez," Artemis breathed out once Reese's eyes had opened fully and the blonde archer's heart rate had gone back down to normal after the brunette's hand had almost taken her eye out. "Sorry. Remind me to never wake you up,"

Reese didn't say anything in response, just stared at the older girl for a few moments, before leaning her head back against the side of M'gann's bed from where she was sitting on the floor and closing her eyes, only to open them again a moment later when M'gann spoke up, eyes both wide and sympathetic.

"You can go to sleep, Reese, if you want," the Martian whispered, and the brunette turned her head to where M'gann was laying on her bed, "We can be quieter,"

Despite the nice sentiment, Reese doubted that highly.

Instead, the brunette stood up and grabbed the dark gray fleece blanket she had brought from home a couple of months ago when they had all moved some of their own possessions into the cave, and walked towards the door.

"It's okay," Reese said quietly, wrapping the blanket around herself like a hooded cape as M'gann's door slide open, letting light from the hallway spill into the dim bedroom. "I'll just sleep in my room. It's soundproofed anyway,"

Though talking with the other girls had been fun until she'd fallen asleep, Reese figured her social interaction quota was filled for the day and turned down the corridor to head to her own bedroom in Mount Justice, fully intending to get a solid five hours of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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