oo3: Welcome To Happy Harbor

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July 17, 23:16 PDT

Of course, it would be Brick doing an illegal weapons trafficking deal on the Star City docks. The criminal had it out for Reese ever since she had stolen his wallet, three years ago. Not that he knew about her moonlighting as a vigilante, but still...

Now, here she stood, as Silverbird, with Speedy, as Roy shot an arrow towards two of Brick's thugs, causing smoke to puff out of it.

The weapons scattered around the docks, one sliding far enough that Brick himself was able to pick it up.

The arms trafficker powered up the weapon, aiming it around before he finally pointed it up at a crane sorta-thing, where Silverbird and Speedy were standing, glaring at him.

"You two again?" he shouted. "I'm starting to get insulted that Green Arrow's not messing up my operation personally!"

Then, Brick shot his blaster, but Roy and Reese were able to duck out of the way, leaping across the beams as red bolts of energy flew towards them.

Finally, Speedy managed to run across a walkway, flipping to avoid a blast, shooting an arrow at the same time. The arrow landed in the barrel of Brick's blaster and made it explode, destroying the other man's suit in the process.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?" he shouted up at them, before turning to his henchmen. "Scorch the earth, boys,"

"Uh oh," Silverbird muttered as the henchmen swiveled their guns around to face her and Speedy, but before they could get hit, a streak of yellow and red knocked two of the men down, while another pair of batarangs took care of the last two, Robin swinging across on his grappling line, cackling that laugh of his.

As Robin landed on a shipping container, Aqualad jumped down, turning his water-bearers into a rope and slamming them against two other thugs.

After taking off the remnants of his ruined suit, Brick bent down, ripping a chunk of cement from the ground and throwing it towards where Silverbird and Speedy were running across the tops of shipping containers.

The two pseudo-siblings managed to duck, and Silverbird spun around, shooting an arrow towards Brick, though it didn't do much damage.

He threw another boulder towards them, but Aqualad jumped down, slicing it in half, just as Speedy shot another smokescreen arrow at Brick, causing the man to cough.

"Roy, please," Silverbird began quietly. "Just listen,"

"The cave is perfect," Aqualad agreed. "It has everything the Team will need," there was a dull thump behind her, and Reese glanced over her shoulder in time to see Robin land behind her and Speedy.

"For covert missions," the Boy Wonder added. "You know, spy stuff,"

"And wait until you see Superboy and Miss Martian!" Kid Flash spoke up as he joined them on top, after running straight up the side of the shipping container. "But, I saw her first!"

Behind Wally, Silverbird saw the smoke cloud that had been surrounding Brick clear, and the man hefted another boulder.

"Everyone, scatter!" she shouted as the rock flew towards them, before she let loose a Canary Cry, making the boulder explode into dust. Speedy jumped to her right, coming up kneeling and shooting three arrows at once towards Brick.

Though they did knock the man back a few feet, Brick wasn't defeated. As the smoke dissipated, Brick chuckled.

"Tell Arrow he shouldn't send his whelps to do a man's job,"

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