o14: Revelation

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M O U N T  J U S T I C E
October 1, 18:13 EDT

Over an entire week after the Team's almost-disastrous mission to India, Reese's burns were almost completely healed.

Even with their little excursion to Gorilla City a few days ago to stop the Brain, Monsieur Mallah, and Ultra-Humanite, Reese's burns had been healing well.

There was still a ways to go, which was the main reason that Oliver and Bruce hadn't allowed her to start training again.

So, at the moment, Reese, dressed in a dark blue Star City hoodie and black leggings, sat cross-legged on the edge of the cave's training circle, Zira sitting in her lap, as they both watched Robin and Aqualad train instead.

The gorilla that Reese was currently raising had started to settle in well at Mount Justice, since it was practically a given that Ollie wouldn't let his daughter bring the baby ape home.

But, Conner and M'gann cared for Zira whenever Reese wasn't able to be there, and she was currently spending almost all of her free time at the Team's headquarters, to help when and wherever she could.

Though it looked like Zira couldn't be more than a few months old, Reese and Dick had both taken to try and teach her sign language, since they weren't entirely sure yet whether or not Zira was telepathic, like the other apes in her former troop.

As Reese's attention was brought to the side by Captain Marvel, who was eating one of Wally's protein bars, and Zatara, who apparently was the Team's "den mother" this week, Zira took it upon herself to yank on the chain holding the golden arrowhead around Reese's neck, jerking the brunette's head down a few inches.

"No," Reese said gently, prying Zira's fingers off the object and tucking the necklace back under her collar. "We don't do that,"

It had come to Reese's attention in the last ninety-six hours that, much like any small child (or a magpie), Zira was immensely fascinated with anything even remotely shiny, even the ancient magical arrowhead currently hanging from Reese's neck.

Realizing that Dick and Kaldur's sparring session was almost over, she stood up, walking over to the two as Conner, M'gann, and Wolf entered the cave from one of the adjacent hallways.

"You know they're a couple, right?" Dick asked from the corner of his mouth, using his hand to shield half of his face.

"I believe I knew before they did," Aqualad answered simply, and Reese grinned as Zira clenched her hands, before quite literally climbing from Reese's arms into Dick's.

"I'm pretty sure everyone knew before they did," Reese retorted as Zira climbed on top of Dick's head and began messing with his hair. "You know, except for Wally and Artemis,"

The sound of footsteps made the three turn and, speak of the devil, the Team's resident speedster and Reese's "cousin" walked into the cave side-by-side, from yet another hallway.

"But, do we tell them?" Dick asked, before Kaldur gave both him and Reese a slightly disapproving look.

"It is not our place," he said firmly, just as Wally and Artemis reached them.

"Nice hat, Robin," Artemis smirked, tilting her head towards Zira who at this point had managed to mess Dick's hair up enough that it looked like he had just rolled out of bed.

Robin rolled his eyes behind his sunglasses but made no move to take Zira off his head, just as Wally pointed a finger towards the two Leaguers on the other side of the training circle.

"So, if Zatara's our babysitter of the week," the redhead began, before turning to point at Captain Marvel. "Why is he still here? And why is he eating my snacks?"

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