o22: Agendas

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November 25, 06:54 EST

Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman stood together on one of the large extending platforms within the Watchtower, overlooking the gardens, where a flock of birds flew, chirping and squawking as they went.

Other than that, though, it was silent, before finally, Diana spoke.

"Times like these," the Amazon began solemnly. "One feels the very weight of the world upon us,"

The sound of footsteps from behind made all three Leaguers turn, to see Aquaman walking towards them from deeper inside the Watchtower.

"Everyone is here," Orin said simply, and the other three followed him into the meeting room of the Watchtower, where Flash, both Green Lanterns, Red Tornado, Captain Marvel, Captain Atom, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Doctor Fate, and the Hawks were all waiting.

As Batman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Superman walked inside the room, panels started to slide down, sealing off the room for privacy, before King Orin spoke up again.

"Our agenda is clear," the Atlantean began. "What's at stake should not be underestimated,"

"The decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come," Superman explained.

"And influence whether or not the world continues to put their trust in the Justice League," Wonder Woman added before finally, Batman spoke up.

"Please, take your seats," the Dark Knight said. "We have work to do,"

Once everyone had sat down at the large, horseshoe-shaped table in the center of the room, J'onn stood up, the first one to voice his opinion.

"Another expansion of the League could generate another escalation of hostilities from our enemies," the martian opinionated firmly. "No one needs or wants another Injustice League,"

"Point taken," Superman cut in from his spot beside J'onn. "But, the option remains to vote 'no' on all candidates. So, I nominate Icon for League membership,"

A holo-screen appeared above the table, showcasing a tall, dark-skinned man with a stern look on his face.

"Why?" Green Arrow scoffed across the table. "Because you suspect Icon might be Kryptonian? Like you did with Captain Marvel?"

"You thought I was Kryptonian?" Captain Marvel asked from where he sat next to Oliver. "Cool!"

Clark and Diana stared at the other hero for a moment before Wonder Woman gently set a hand on Superman's arm.

"Icon interests me also," she said quietly, before bringing forth another holo-screen, this one as a young woman with short hair and brown skin. "As does his protege, Rocket. Athena knows the League could use more female members,"

Dinah and Shayera both gave their agreement, while the male members of the Justice League looked fairly disconcerted.

Regardless of whether Icon and/or Rocket were considered for induction into the League, the adult heroes certainly had a lot of work ahead of them.

And they had only scratched the surface of what needed to be discussed today.

S T A R  C I T Y
November 25, 08:03 PST

Richard John Grayson was in a bad mood.

It wasn't because Batman was currently up on the Watchtower at the yearly Justice League meeting discussing God knew what, and it wasn't because Alfred, who was working on the Thanksgiving dinner for tonight, had unceremoniously kicked him out of the house so the young Boy Wonder wouldn't end up breaking anything in his boredom.

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