oo2: Fireworks

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W A S H I N G T O N D. C.
July 5, 00:01 EDT

'Time runs short. You must awaken now!'

Reese's eyes flashed open and she tried to gasp, only to realize that there was a thick band of metal covering her mouth, muffling any noise she might make.

Her hands and feet were shackled, and when she glanced around, Silverbird realized that Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad were in the same predicament as her, except they didn't have a metal band covering their mouths.

All four of them were trapped in pods, with Dick to Reese's right, Wally to her left, and Aqualad on Kid Flash's other side.

In front of them stood Superboy, the clone of Superman staring hard at all four of them. But, no matter how hard she tried, Silverbird wasn't able to speak. Or move her head at all, for that matter.

"What?" Wally exclaimed finally. "What do you want? Quit staring you're creeping me out!"

"Uh, KF?" Robin added, glancing worriedly at the girl next to him before he turned to the redhead. "How about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?"

Then, for some odd reason, the band that had been over Silverbird's mouth suddenly split apart, and the girl sucked in a breath.

"You okay?" the whisper was quiet and if she hadn't had enhanced hearing Reese wouldn't have caught it, but she did, and the twelve-year-old girl glanced over at Dick.

"Fine," she answered, just as soft, and couldn't help but notice how Aqualad and Kid Flash conveniently averted their eyes. "I think the band was just to stop me from using my Canary Cry. What about you?"

"Feeling whelmed," For a moment, Robin smirked, and it made Silverbird feel a bit better, if only for a moment. "You think you could get us out of here?"

"No," Reese shook her head. "Even if there was enough room for me in this...pod, it's in such an enclosed space that I'd just end up hurting myself. The soundwaves would bounce back and hit me instead of breaking whatever material these are made of,"

"Your neck is bruised," Dick said softly, his eyes practically glaring at the finger-shaped marks from where Superboy had tried to choke her earlier.

Before Reese could say anything in response to that, Aqualad spoke up.

"We only sought to help you," the Atlantean said calmly, but Wally abruptly cut him off.

"Yeah, we free you, and you turn on us. How's that for grat--"

"KF, stop it," Silverbird spoke firmly, making the speedster glance over. "Those things, the G-gnomes, they're telepathic. I don't even think Superboy knew what he was doing when he attacked us,"

"Seriously?" Wally asked, raising an eyebrow, before jerking his head towards Superboy. "You're taking his side? He almost killed you!"

"Back off, Kid!" Robin said dangerously, eyes narrowing. But, despite being glared down by the protege of the Bat, Kid Flash scoffed.

"And what are you gonna do, Rob? Dangle there like some sort of--"

"Kid, Robin, please, be quiet now," Aqualad spoke again, and his voice was with enough authority that it made both Robin and Kid Flash stop. "Silverbird is right. I, too, believe that our new friend was not in full control of his actions,"

Next to her, Silverbird heard a subtle click and glanced from the corner of her eye to see that Robin had begun to use the lockpick built into his glove as a way to try and get out of his shackles.

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