o1o: Targets

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September 7, 19:20 NST

When Red Arrow called her and asked Silverbird if she wanted to help him with a mission in Taipei, Reese couldn't find it in herself to say no.

As much as she loved being with the Team and fighting the bad guys with them, Roy would always be her brother, whether they were related by blood or not, and Reese loved the few missions they worked together when it was just the two of them.

At the moment, Reese was dressed in the same outfit she'd been wearing when the Team delivered AMAZO to STAR Labs, only this time she also had computerized sunglasses over her eyes, standing within the gathered crowd at the site where a peace summit between the warring countries of North and South Rhelasia had been stalled, so much so that an arbitrator had been called in to talk things through.

As it were, that was part of the reason she and Roy were in Taiwan in the first place, to try and stop an assassination attempt.

Through the crowd, Reese was able to study the two leaders, General Singh Manh Li, and Prime Minister Tseng, as they stood guarded by their own security forces.

"See anything?" Roy's voice came through Reese's earpiece, and for a moment, Reese glanced over towards where the older archer was stationed behind a column close to the entrance of the building where the summit was taking place.

Then, Reese looked around, but she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, and she told Roy as much.

"No," she said softly, careful not to alert the people around her. "Sorry,"

"It's alright," Roy answered. "I got an idea,"

Then, Kaldur's voice came through her earpiece, and Reese assumed that Roy had called their Atlantean friend.


"You got Red Arrow and Silverbird," Roy said after the brief greeting from Kaldur. "We need access to the Justice League database,"

"Along with the exact height of the League of Shadows assassin known as Cheshire," Reese added before she bit her lip.

When she had asked Robin to do a background check on Artemis after the blonde had first joined the team, both birds had discovered who Artemis's family was, including the fact that Cheshire, also known as Jade Nguyen, was Artemis's older sister.

Until now, Reese had kept her promise to Artemis in the fact that she hadn't told anyone who she really was, and it was unlikely that Dick would tell anybody. He wasn't really one to blurt out secrets, unlike a certain red-haired speedster she could mention.

But, now Reese also wondered if Jade--Cheshire--was really the assassin said to be the one targeting the summit, and whether or not she should tell Roy everything she knew before it was too late.

"Checking..." Aqualad's voice came through her earpiece again, and it brought the youngest archer out of her thoughts long enough to glance around at the people gathered to watch the arbitrator arrive at the summit. "Cheshire is 1.67 meters,"

"Um..." Roy trailed off, but luckily, Reese knew how to work the metric system.

"She's five-foot-six, Roy," she whispered.

"And exceptionally dangerous," Aqualad added. "Do the two of you require backup?"

"Please," Roy scoffed. "The last thing I need is the Junior Justice League,"

"Just our computer," Aqualad retorted, and Reese snickered at the Atlantean's sarcasm before she looked around again at the crowd gathered around the summit building, the sunglasses analyzing every person there until finally, there was a match.

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