oo5: Schooled

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August 3, 13:06 EDT

Reese would be lying if she said she didn't feel the tiniest bit smug. And rightly so. A little less than twenty minutes ago, the twelve-year-old had won fantastically against Robin in a game of air hockey, a fact that the Boy Wonder was still bitter about.

But, then she had gone up against Aqualad, and to say Kaldur demolished her would be an understatement. Robin found that undeniably hilarious.

Hmph, Reese thought to herself. Hypocrite.

Now, Aqualad was going against Kid Flash and Reese was giggling at the fact that Wally was losing against the Atlantean just as much as she had.

Wally finally landed a goal, and Reese grinned as Kaldur scowled. Before either of them could say anything though, the Zeta tube turned on.

Recognized Superboy B05

The first thing that Reese noticed when Superboy walked out of the transporter was that he was, most definitely not happy.

"Hello, Superboy!" M'gann greeted the clone cheerfully. "How was Metropolis?" Instead of answering the Martian, Superboy just walked on ahead. Reese had a feeling that Metropolis had not been a fun experience.

But, before she was able to say anything, footsteps reached her ears, and Reese turned to see Black Canary and Martian Manhunter walking in.

"Ready for training everyone?" Dinah asked, and M'gann grinned as she caught sight of her uncle.

"Black Canary. Uncle J'onn!" she exclaimed, before running up to hug the other martian.

"M'gann," Manhunter began, smiling softly. "I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting,"

"A few bumps," M'gann admitted. "But I'm learning,"

"That's all I can ask," J'onn answered quietly. Movement from behind her made Reese turn around, and she saw Superboy trying to sneak out of the room. But, before the clone could get very far, Dinah spoke up.

"Stick around," the blonde said simply. "Class is in session,"

Though he didn't walk closer to them again, Superboy didn't leave the room either, instead opting to stand off to the side, arms crossed, looking grumpy again.

Black Canary stepped onto the main circle, letting it glow beneath her feet for a moment before she spoke again.

"I consider it an honor to be your teacher. My assistant," she threw a glance towards Reese, who grinned as everyone else turned to stare at her. "And I will throw a lot at you. I've taught Silverbird everything I know, from my own mentors," Dinah winced a bit as she shrugged off her leather jacket, and Reese narrowed her eyes when she caught sight of a bandage wrapped around her bicep. "And my own bruises,"

"What happened?" M'gann gasped.

"The job," Dinah answered simply, and Reese's eyes widened as the dots connected in her brain.

"That's why you sent me to Gotham this morning," she said quietly. "You and Arrow went up against something, but when I said I wanted to help, you sent me to Gotham instead,"

"I'm sorry, baby bird," Dinah said softly. "But it was too dangerous for you,"

"Too dangerous," Reese scoffed under her breath, glancing to the side and avoiding Black Canary's eyes. "Right,"

Dinah sighed, and, realizing it would do no good to talk to the brunette about it now, completely changed the subject, placing her hands on her hips.

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