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Rhysalin Queen thought she knew everything. Her parents had died when she was young, she was adopted by a superhero billionaire, her best friend was both vexing and undeniably charming. But, when an excursion to her biological father's former workplace brings up secrets from long before she was born, Reese is thrust into a world where everything is much more dangerous than she originally thought. And she'll have to rely on her closest friends if she wants any hope of getting through it.


"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed, why isn't anyone ever just whelmed? "
~Robin to Kid Flash

"I thought my world was ending the day my parents died. But, this--this was a million times worse."
~Rhysalin Queen to Black Canary

"The mole...was Red Arrow."
~Batman to the Team


Season 1 of Young Justice

Season 1 of Young Justice

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