oo7: Denial

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August 19, 19:39 EDT

It had been about ten days since Artemis had joined the Team. Ten days since Reese had asked Dick to run a background check on her. Ten days since Silverbird had found out who she really was.

At first, she was angry. Angry and scared. Seriously, how could Oliver not have told her about this?

But, then, Reese began to feel bad. It wasn't like it was Artemis's fault her dad was...who he was. At the time, she had been angry, angry at Oliver for the fact that he hadn't told her he was taking on a new protege.

And, if Reese was being completely honest, she was maybe even a bit angry at herself.

Dinah--Black Canary--had told her before that nobody thought she was inferior, that she was a valuable member of the Team, but that didn't stop the twelve-year-old brunette from thinking that maybe if she were better, then Oliver wouldn't have needed to take on another protege, so soon after Roy had left.

The voice of the cave's computer-AI jerked Reese from her thoughts, and she looked up in time to see Kaldur and Superboy initiate some combat training.

Superboy threw the first punch, but Kaldur managed to block, and for the next couple of minutes, they seemed to be evenly matched.

As they were sparring, Artemis turned to M'gann, and Reese figured she was still bent on somehow dating Superboy.

Why she was doing that, Reese had no sane clue.

"Kaldur's, uh, nice, don't you think?" the blonde archer began, causing Reese to raise an eyebrow. Subtle, she thought to herself. "Handsome, commanding," Artemis turned to M'gann, crossing her arms over her chest. "You should totally ask him out,"

Reese didn't mean to laugh. Truly, she didn't. But it was just so funny.

To think, that M'gann of all people would be attracted to Aqualad. Anyone with eyes could see that Miss Martian and Superboy had feelings for each other.

Artemis, it seemed, didn't have eyes.

"What's so funny?" Artemis spoke up, her voice sharp, and Reese snapped her jaw shut, still giggling as she placed her hands over her mouth.

"Nothing," she managed to gasp out. "Nothing at all,"

"Kaldur's like a big brother to me," M'gann told Artemis. "But, you know who would make the cutest couple? Reese and Robin,"

This time, it was like Reese's brain had short-circuited. She blinked for several seconds, before shaking her head and crossing her arms, tilting her head to look at both Artemis and M'gann, who were staring down at her, smirks on both of their faces.

"Okay, first of all," Reese began, popping up from where she had been sitting on the floor between M'gann and Artemis to begin counting on her fingers. "That is so not true. Second of all, Green Arrow would never let me date anyone before I turned thirteen. And third of all, why are we even talking about me, when we really should be talking about, oh I don't know, Artemis and Wally?"

"Me," Artemis pointed to herself. "And Wally?" The three of them turned to the red-haired speedster, who was currently mouthing through a burrito a few yards away.

M'gann, thank God, was distracted easily, and seamlessly diverted her attention from Reese and Robin to Artemis and Kid Flash.

"Reese is right," the martian agreed, gesturing between Artemis and the speedster. "You're so full of passion, and he's so full of..."

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