o18: Secrets

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M O U N T  J U S T I C E
October 31, 19:34 EDT

Wally was very much channeling his inner Wolfman this Halloween.

Reese glanced up from where she had been sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cave, lightly sketching out an eagle in her sketchbook, as KF tilted his head back and gave a loud howl.

Wolf, though, who was snoring a few feet away, didn't even react, and Wally sent the canine a dry look.

"Seriously?" the redhead asked. "You're not going to join in at all? What kind of wolf are you?"

"Wally, stop torturing him," Superboy muttered to the speedster from where he was sitting on a table, fidgeting as M'gann wrapped gauze around his head, trying to turn the genomorph into some sort of mummy.

"Hold still, please," Miss Martian told her boyfriend, as Wally walked up next to her, gesturing to Superboy.

"Megan," he said, sounding vaguely admonishing, and Reese flicked her eyes up again. "Stop torturing him. Awkward for him anyway," he hissed from behind his hand. "Being the third wheel on our date,"

Reese rolled her eyes, wondering how exactly it was that Wally still hadn't figured out that M'gann and Conner were dating. They'd been together for almost two months, already, and pretty much everyone knew except for Wally.

"Wally," the martian told him. "I invited the whole team to the dance. Zatanna too,"

"Good," Wally continued, and Reese swore she almost face-palmed. "Keeps us on the down-low,"

Conner looked increasingly put-out as he rolled his eyes, and Reese could barely hold in her giggles. 

A small part of her felt bad for Wally, for what he'd feel when he did find out that Megan and Conner were dating, but until then, she was fairly content to see the speedster embarrass himself, even if he had no idea why.

"So," Kid Flash added a few seconds later, still gazing at M'gann. "You going as my favorite martian?"

"Not exactly," she answered, walking a few feet away. Then, much like before the Team had gone up against Mister Twister, color flooded up M'gann's entire body, before she was dressed in an insanely accurate-looking zombie bride costume.

Reese was impressed, though she figured if whatever you wore was dictated by your thoughts, your clothes or costumes could be as accurate as you wanted them to be.

"Whoa..." Wally trailed off, scratching the back of his head. "Babe, eat my brains anytime,"

"That's a really cool costume, M'gann," Reese spoke up for the first time, closing her sketchbook and setting down on the floor before standing up. "Zombie bride. Very Halloween-y,"

"Your costume's gorgeous too, Reese," Miss M responded, sending the brunette a smile, and Reese blushed, looking down at her shoes. "Where'd you get it?"

This year, Rhysalin Queen had decided to dress up as an angel for Halloween, complete with a silvery-white knee-length dress with flowy sleeves, large feathered wings, and a halo headband. It was one of her better costumes, even though it had taken almost six months to finish, meaning she'd had to be sure what she wanted to be back in April.

But, considering Halloween was one of Reese's favorite holidays, she didn't really mind.

"Actually," Reese began, still staring at her feet. "I, uh, I made it," 

When no one said anything for a few seconds, Reese glanced up, to see both M'gann and Conner staring at her, eyes wide. Wally already knew, so he was standing behind the couple, arms crossed, looking smug.

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