o15: Humanity

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M O U N T  J U S T I C E
October 10, 16:58 EDT

Another day at the cave, another day of training under Black Canary.

Within the glowing circle in the center of the cave, everyone was sparring against each other as a way to showcase their own skills, while also simultaneously learning from each other as a way to see how they each could improve.

Well, almost everyone.

Wally, his right arm in a cast after it had been broken during the Team's altercation with the Injustice League a few weeks ago, currently sat in an armchair outside the circle, having put Captain Marvel practically into indentured servitude.

Not that the Leaguer complained about it or anything.

"Ah," Wally sighed appreciatively after taking a sip from his pineapple juice. "Just what the doctor ordered,"

"How's the arm, Wally?" Marvel asked, leaning down so he'd be able to inspect the cast.

Wally just reclined in his chair, looking completely and utterly relaxed with the whole situation, even though, since he was a speedster, and thus most likely had faster than normal healing, the cast should've come off days ago.

"Nothing wrong that nachos can't cure," the redhead said finally, and Captain Marvel blinked at him for a moment, before rocketing off across the cave again.

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "I'll go get you some!"

Though she was half-focused on the rest of her friends training against each other, movement from the corner of her eye made Silverbird glance up wearily from where she was laying curled up against Wolf just as Robin stopped in front of her, gently setting a thermos down between them, steam wafting from the open top.

In his other hand, Dick carried a bowl of sliced strawberries, while Zira sat around his shoulders, the baby gorilla content, for some reason, to be carried around all the time. Reese figured Dick had been spoiling her.

"Pretty bird," Robin began softly, sitting down as Silverbird subtly turned her head away from the thermos. "It's just chicken broth. Come on, you have to eat something,"

For the last five days, after a patrol in Star City during a thunderstorm ended with Reese contracting a nasty stomach bug, the twelve-year-old had been semi-benched from active duty.

But, in response to Dick, Reese just shook her head.

"I won't be able to stomach it," she said weakly, throat sore from the bouts of coughing she'd had to deal with for the past week. It was almost a miracle Reese had been able to keep water down.

Stupid weak immune system, Silverbird thought, as Robin frowned, before screwing the cap back on the thermos and moving it out of the way so he'd be able to sit closer to her.

"You still feeling lousy?" he asked softly as Reese leaned her head against his shoulder, nodding.

"I hate being sick," she whimpered. Dick didn't say anything in response, only lightly pressing his lips to the crown of Reese's head.

Today was one of the only days where Reese wore her Silverbird suit, sans her mask, but kept her hood down around her shoulders and let her hair out of its ever-present fishtail braid, letting the dark brown waves cascade down her back.

Dick would be kidding himself if he said he hadn't also noticed the faint purple rings underneath Reese's eyes. She hadn't been sleeping either.

Zira, meanwhile, sat cross-legged on the stone floor in front of the two young birds, content to eat her strawberries while being almost entirely innocent to the outside world.

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