oo9: Bereft

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September 4, 11:55 EEST

To say Silverbird's head hurt would be a gross understatement.

When Reese blinked her eyes open, the first thing she noticed was that it was hot. Hot and--and sandy. As if she were in a desert, which was weird because the last thing Reese remembered was going to a St. Patrick's Day parade in Star City with Roy and Oliver.

The second thing she noticed was that she was, in fact, in a desert. A vast expanse of open sand and rocky outcroppings that was definitely not Star City.

Where was she?

Silverbird opened her mouth, to call out or Canary Cry she wasn't entirely sure yet, but she didn't need to worry about figuring out, because her throat was so dry she wasn't able to make a sound.

What exactly had she done, swallowed a gallon of sand?

Wearily, Reese pulled herself to her feet, leaning against a column of rock in order to catch her breath, when she suddenly heard footsteps come from the other side of the rock.

Not knowing whether or not the newcomer was friend or foe, Silverbird took out her bow and nocked an arrow, waiting a few seconds more before she whipped around the column of rock, only to find herself pointing an arrow straight at Robin.

"Don't shoot!" he exclaimed quickly, holding up both of his hands, and Reese felt herself let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. "Pretty bird, it's me!"

"Robin?" she asked, her voice hoarse and grating from the sand scraping against it, and Dick let out a series of bobblehead nods. "What are you doing here?"

Dick only shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine," he said, but before either of them could say anything more, Silverbird caught the sound of tires coming towards them.

Apparently, Robin heard them too, because he grabbed her hand and dragged Reese up the cliff with him, the two of them ducking behind an alcove about halfway up the rock just as a Humvee drove by, soldiers standing on the sides.

The weird thing was, Silverbird recognized those uniforms. And also, it seemed, did Robin.

"Those are Bialyan Republican Army uniforms," Dick whispered as Reese peered over the rock, watching as the Humvee and soldiers drove away. "But, what are Bialyans doing in...Bialya!"

Silverbird glanced over her shoulder as Robin pulled up his holo-computer, the map that appeared showcasing that the two of them were, in fact, in Bialya.

Uh-oh, Reese thought. This was bad, this was really, really bad.

"I think I have a better question than that, Boy Wonder," Reese murmured hoarsely as she stared at the holo-map before looking again towards Dick. "What are we doing in Bialya?"

"In September?" Robin added, noticing the date on the bottom of the map. "What happened to March?" Dick then reached for his commlink. "Better radio Batman,"

"Wait," Silverbird said quickly, grabbing onto Robin's gloved hand before he was able to tap his commlink as a thought ran through her head.

She couldn't remember where from, frankly, she couldn't remember much at all, but Reese distinctly remembered Batman telling her and Robin to "maintain radio silence at all times.".

Silverbird wasn't entirely sure whether or not that was viable at the moment, but if Batman was worried about it, it'd be best if they didn't disobey him.

"Maybe you should...hold off on calling Batman," Reese said, still holding onto Dick's hand before it was able to connect his commlink.

Robin gave a slow nod before he flipped off the alcove he and Silverbird were currently perched on, Reese following a few seconds later.

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