Hello again🙂

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I'm freakin laugh read my writer's 4th years ago, like damn i'm so disgusting🙂

Actually this is my first Diary, and i let people's read it, like I really tired that everyone never understand me, and he was hurting me like hell, so i made this story, i made it cz i don't fucking know how to deal with this heart breaking and there are some words that i want to said to him but i can't, so yeah, i write this story berharap he will read this pada saat itu, but hell now i wish he never read this🙂

Anyway i never nyesel sih nulisnya, i was fall so damn buat dia, and i thank for that situation. sekarang jadi b aja kalo galaw, soalnya pernah galaw lebih lebay sampe nulis diary terus di publish, lol. 

Now im doing great here, seiring berjalannya waktu i can deal with all my problems in the past, move on its not just abouts 'forgeting' from this story i was learned, the key is 'time' 

bacot kalo orang ngomong 'ikhlasin aja, relain aja, lupain aja, nanti dapet gantinya kok' semuanya cuma butuh waktu, trust me, i've been thru this, i need fucking almost 5 years for deal with my heartbroken, and to be honest sometimes juga sekarang i still fucking stalk him and thinking about him like wtf he already had gf and also me had a bf and still! still ya he's mother still asking me bout him, asking like, where is he, who is he's new gf and thats shits. can you imagine? 🙃

so, if you guys are still struggle for move on, just fucking let it be, diemin aja, cari pelarian, hang out with your friends, nangis, angkat minuman mu bersedih bersama-sama~ santai aja sumpah, mau di apain juga gak bakalan bisa sih menurut gue semuanya tentang waktu, cuma waktu yang bisa merubah segalanya, cuma waktu yang bisa bikin kita terbiasa, cuma waktu yang bisa bikin kita bermaafan sama masa lalu. 1 tahun 2 tahun it's okay! you're going thru this, you're going to be ok. gak usah pegang kata-kata 'kalo emang jodohnya pasti balik' jangan mau di phpin takdir, kalo bisa cari yang lebih baik ngapain nunggu yang bikin sakit balik? 

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